Mylar on the GR floor???


This is my first grow, and I only have 2 plants, from generic Indica seeds a buddy gave to me. He suggested I put reflective Mylar on the floor, to help disperse wasted light that misses the foliage, to project a bit up underneath. I'd never heard of this, but check out this plant. It's only about 9" tall, and it looks like a section of thick garden hedge.
This is at about 5.5 weeks, and its not getting very tall, just thick and WIDE. There is so much undergrowth, you can barely see through it. I can't even count all the stems, there are a dozen newbies every day, it seems. AND, this was done with 250watts of Full Spectrum CFL's. I'll probably go with HPS for budding, unless I can't afford it. Times be tough round here.

Am I excited for no reason, is this very common? I just haven't seen many pics of plants this thick, this early. Since this was not a very scientific experiment, I can't vouch for the Mylar being the reason, but.... there it is.