Myths In Weed Are They True

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
growing with a black light works better?
watering with bong water increases thc?
lemon juice flavoring?
food coloring to color buds?
adding other drugs to add effects to plants?
24/7 lighting increases growthspeed?:leaf:
help plz!


Well-Known Member
1. Using regular blacklight doesnt work since it produces only UVA, u have to use a UVB reptile cfl lamp in order to promote trichome production as sunscreen for the plant but u ll have to practice it a bit because u can easily burn ur plant.
2. No way.
3. Some people claim that you can add lemon flavor by watering a day before harvest with lemon juice. I havent tried it so dunno.
4. Food colouring is used for edible products, so if u burn it it would produce lots of dangerous to your health chemicals so NO.
5. I have heard it too but still the only drug u could add is dipping the buds in opium but still why would someone do that? Another myth I heard a couple of days ago is that some skunk varieties are dipped in lsd. dont believe such crap, lsd isnt used while smoked so again no.
6. 24/0 helps while vegative growth lets say for a couple of weeks, imo it is a bit unatural and costly havent tried it tho.


New Member
I beleive that growing 24/7 does make them grow faster for me anyways.. N lemon juice does not give the flavor of it, just lowers ph in water.. I read somewhere to not put food coloring in ur water or whatever you use to color the budz.. Not sure why.. But i wouldnt do it..


wouldnt that be kinda cool tho? to color ur buds?? haha .. well I think it would be cool anyways...


i wonder why they say not to.... hmm..... i dunno if it would set off toxins if that was the case it wouldnt be safe for cooking... and i use it all the time to color my daughters pancakes and all that stuff... hmmm maybe it harms the plants?

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
i think im gonna try it with my smallest plant a week or to b4 harvest a couple drops of red with the water every day 4 two weeks lol its worth a shot right

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
also i watch myth busters alot right, nd 1 time they tested music on plants to make them grow faster and heavy metal music made there pea plants grow 3 times as fast hmmmm i wonder???


Well-Known Member
Oooooh, I bet if you used bright brilliant green it would make the plants look so damn healthy though! They'd look great for television I bet!


Well-Known Member
this thread is funny...strobe lights! I couldnt imagine going to water while my honeys are in thier clubbing. I suppose you could play some techno music too. Hey...plants like they say.

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
in the mythbusters show heavey metal worked the best my guess is because of the vibratons but who knows lol
but its worth a shot ill put some headphones in the soil of 1 of the plants nd tell u guys what happens lmao!


Active Member
Bunch o' crazies! The reason why food colouring is not a good idea to put with ze weed, is that it is diluted in water, but when "vaporised" through ze smoking, it actually causes health issues. It'd be a little like smoking non-toxic glue. Health to put in your mouth, but bad for the inhaling.

Also, would be an idea to try the lemonation of the buds. Might try it out with one of me plants. (I don't let them grow too big anyways, so if it dies, it was a labour of pleasure and a little love. Nothing to get upset about)

Oh, and if music really does help, excellent, I'll bring one of me plants, next time I go clubbin'! XD Bunch o' loonies.


Active Member
And e pills for ze plants?! I doubt we want to have a horny plant on our hands, or it'll try to bully the other females into becoming hermies! Or lesbians. Buts hey, still could be an idea.
Crush an e, dilute in water, stick into soil/hydro, wait about 1-2 days, and try it out.
(Would be a hell of a great way to lace things.)