n00b with 2 plants and NO CLUE [PICs + VID]

Just a curious koof head that threw a couple bag seeds he saved into some vermiculite and what would ya know??? plants started growing!

just into second week after breaking through the surface. I repotted asap from the Solo cup of vermic to high grade soil in separate pots that absorb water from the bottom. Got em sittin in Miracle Grow fert solution with a pump to keep water moving. Got 2 100w output incandescents plus a 60w clear tube for extra light and heat if needed i guess. Fan above the plants and another across the room.

I decided to pop onto here because one of the plants looks like its growing perfect and the other started bend really strange. I thought maybe the main root didn't get down deep enough into the soil when I repotted. Let me hear your thoughts...

happy plant

sad plant

It was almost bending sideways but i propped it up, but the original way it was bent the leaves were facing up toward the lights.


Any advice is appreciated. Just keep in mind this is my first grow experiment and I work with what I have. Thanks!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
the lights are to far away from them and there trying get to it, thats whats causing the stretch. you can replant them now and bury them up to just below the small leaves. also, not sure what the lights are, but you need to just get some 23 watt or bigger cfl's, you dont want to use the bulbs you have, if they get to close, you'll burn your little ones, LoL. cfl's can be as close as an inch, hope all this helps.
yea i have two cfls on em and they actually were about an inch or so above em but I was worried that was why the plant was bending so I raised them before taking these shots. Ill put them back down right above the plants. The other bulb is just extra light or heat if my basement gets too cold. Pics were just taken with my phone.

EDIT - At what temperature does the plant slow its growth?


Well-Known Member
get y splitters and screw them in to the sockets you got now and then screw the bulbs in the y splitter(a few more bulbs would be good too), you want to hang them horizontally over the plants since the side is where the majority of the light is put out. right now your probally wasting at least half your lighting, probally more.
Got em sittin in Miracle Grow fert solution with a pump to keep water moving.
All purpose plant food. Just stuff I found in my gardening crap. I mixed the ratio the bag suggested but I haven't gotten anything to check the pH levels which I...think is important. Also have the matching bloom food that says it makes them more colorful and smellier in flowering phases of plants lol. Honestly though fellas I'm more of a user than a... maker. my methods derived from alot of assumptions and the plant I grew in 2nd grade. I appreciate all critiques


Well-Known Member
alright, im not trying to be harsh so thats why i didnt really want to touch this earlier, but if your open to constructive critisism its another matter. 1. you should get some regular pots or smart pots and not use that miracle grow bubbler thing you got going. its gonna make things alot harder for you since you dont know what your doing yet and even if you did i still would say the same thing. its more headache than its worth 2. Tin foil can cause hotspots and burn the plants plus its not very reflective compared to other also cheap reflective materials like black white poly or mylar. Flat dull white paint does the trick to. 3. Miracle grow nutrients work great for some things, not so much for marijuana though. 4. can you build a little enclosed area for them? reflecting that light back into the grow is important as well.
alright, im not trying to be harsh so thats why i didnt really want to touch this earlier, but if your open to constructive critisism its another matter.
Im open to anything, i dont care what you say...and i mean that in a good way. Its just a chron seed i threw in some dirt when i got bored, you wont hurt my feelings. I see it growing sooo that means working to me haha

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
i just woke up and read this one first on my subbed list, LoL but for temps weed can grow up into the low 100's but a safe cutoff for indoor growing is about 86, 88 max. which is still pushing it. during vegging humidity should be around 50% maybe just a hair more and flowering at 30% or there abouts. your way past needing a dome. sorry, didnt see the vid, wanted be to download something and my eyes are still fuzzy, LoL. going back to sleep for a bit, ill look when i get up again.


Well-Known Member
domes are usually used for seedlings and clones sometimes..ive never used a dome for anything they just cause mold trouble for me.
domes removed. only took about a minute to remove... took about 20 minutes to melt 4 plastic cups together with a soldering iron hahaha
Back from the the local grow shop. Got a couple bigger pots with vent holes and went with Jack's Classic ferts. Also picked up a little root hormone. Figured if I take this seriously, I'll just put both into flowering and figure out if I have a legit female. If so, put her back into veg and use her as a mother... if all goes to plan.

However, when I got back home after running errands I noticed the once crooked plant is now really droopy. I took out the reservoir of MG nutes and decided to just mix in ferts as I water. Any idea why it would go from president Clinton perky to Roosevelt in Canada...? Lights weren't too close I know and the soil is plenty damp. Can this be a sign of over-watering?? MG overload??

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hard to tell, but might be over watering. MG soil might be alright,but not the nutes from what ive read. the jacks lineup is some pretty good shit, i use that myself.