Name That Pest! (@ 60x mag)

So last week I applied mulch as a top dressing to my c99 as a top dressing, and today I noticed eggs all over the mulch!


Can anyone help me diagnose this possible problem?! I've never seen these bugs before, my educated guess would be thrip worms. Never ran into them before though so I'm not sure what to do about them.


pest 3.jpg

pest 4.jpg


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
tough to say at such an early instar, but just a guess, termites.

sprinkle Sevin liberally over the bark (it really wont hurt your dope)

you definitely dont want those fuckers starting to breed, even if they are as i suspect, termites which are harmless to your dope.


Well-Known Member
Looks like thrips I've never had them but saw them at a buddies grow there's sprays and what not to combat them with have to see what a good one is to purchase.


Active Member
I would water with neem or azamax or spread diatomaceous earth on the top. Will take care of it quick. If you wanna go all out you could also use mosquito dunks too.


Well-Known Member
Pest pictures.

Pic1 springtail

Pic2 springtail

Pic3 springtail

If you scare them do they jump?

They are detrivorous feeders.

Usually a sign of a healthy living soil.
