Name that weed!


Hi All,

Looking for a little help from the community on a 420 fantasy inspired eBook series The Adventure of Toki & Leaf that I'm writing.

A little history. Toki is a genetically created little weed man created by a secret arm of the government. He was created from his mother plants DNA. His mother plant is the only kind of her strain in existence secredtly secured away in some unknown location. Toki has a perpetual piece of his mother with him at all times in the form of a pendant that he wears around his neck. The pendent is in fact a micro hydroponic chamber that grows a single bud of his mothers strain. When the bud is plucked from the pendant, a new one grows back hours later in its place. His mothers strain is reported to be the finest in the history of the world, that is capable of healing all ailments of the person that smokes it.

Sooo...What should that strain be called?

It has not been named in the book, so come up with some names. Who knows, perhaps it will wind up in the book if its good.

Name that weed! :joint:


Ursus marijanus
My first instinct was to find the oldest earth goddess name I know (Astarte) but upon reading about the locket ... Hydra.

The all-healing properties incline me to Ambrosia however. You gave us a challenge. cn

<add> As a mod, i am compelled to ask you to run the goodness of the plug (more info at [website]) past admin (potroast). They're a bit touchy about any selling on this site.


Thanks for the input cannabineer. Not here to ruffle any feathers of the powers that be. Just looking for a little insight from an amazing community. Original post edited per your suggestion.


Ursus marijanus
I'd like to know what your ideas in re name are. Such choices are both totally subjective yet quite emotionally invested. It helps to know if you're nodding and saying "hey maybe" or shaking it and saying "ew". cn