Name Your Favorite Indica and Sativa Strain


If you were in the unfortunate position of having to pick a single indica and single sativa, to be your "desert island strains," what would you pick?
It's all Indica :P
Yeah got years until people give up the old indica sativa myth their is a difference between narrow leaf and broad leaf cannabis indica plants though just not as much as cannabis indica and sativa nobody smokes hemp.

Best narrow leaf has got to be Mango Haze so far but I have grown more broad leaf and so many good ones but I will update you when I find a favorite. :bigjoint:
Yeah got years until people give up the old indica sativa myth their is a difference between narrow leaf and broad leaf cannabis indica plants though just not as much as cannabis indica and sativa nobody smokes hemp.

Best narrow leaf has got to be Mango Haze so far but I have grown more broad leaf and so many good ones but I will update you when I find a favorite. :bigjoint:

Glad someones hip to it around here. :D
I'm not sure I understand can you explain?
Making F2's requires back crossing to one of the original parents of the strain. For example, to make Sunshine Daydream F2's, you'd need Bodhi's cut of Bubbasshine, or the Appy male to do so.
Mating two plants from the same seed line makes what is known as an Inbred Line (IBL). So no one has any real Lucky Charms F2's, what they have are F1's from a Lucky Charms IBL.
Filial generations, specifically F1s and F2s--aren't rocket science, folks. Anyone who has bred plants--or animals such as birds or reptiles that have color morphs--should be familiar with the terms, as well as Punnett Squares, which determine the results of genetic crosses.

For a quick definition of terms, there are MANY online references, including these:
As far as the op's topic goes I can't speak much on indicas, but I would say my favorite sativas are Kali Mist or Blue Dream.

As far as the off-topic info goes, I find it is mostly for pots snobs to converse about with each other. The general public is not going to to come around to those terms anytime soon so I still just say indica and sativa instead of broadleaf and narrow leaf drug types. Pretty much everybody understand these terms. If I say sativa nobody is going to think that I am talking about hemp except for the very few people who actually have read some of the few threads that relate to contemporary use of these classifications and even then you wouldn't assume that I'm talking about hemp because you would assume that I am talking about a narrow leaf drug type Indica plant and then would feel the need to correct my verbiage. So unless you are a botanist writing a technical paper I don't really believe there is a need to make the distinction with the general public. And no offense about the pot snob thing. I've read plenty of the technical things about cannabis and enjoy the snobbery just as much as the rest of you pot snobs, hahaha.
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Indica leaning Heidi's Unicorn

Sativa leaning Colorado Thunderfuck
Where can I get seeds at of the Heidis unicorn for I respect you a lot and know you know your shit about weed and I would love to try that indica for indica is my favorate weed to smoke or make hash or oil out of..and good growing to you from ky, and if nothing gets me down I will hopefully see you befor snow falls at your place my man..