Narc in the neighborhood.....


Well-Known Member
And my son is friends with the narcs son.....

So I'm picking up my boys from track practice... one asks the other why are undercover cops cars always black... (now picture this with me people... the birds are singing, the sun is out, my boys are talking to each other not arguing and I am happy and smiling..) then I hear this...

'undercover cars aren't alway black that's just in the movies... my friends dad is an undercover drug cop and his car isn't black'..... this is where the birds fell silent, the sun turned dark and the blood drained from my body.

Oh so subtly as I'm thinking of the garden of weed in my house... I ask him uh drug cop? Is he DEA or a narc? My son didn't know. Now my kid has been to narcs house a few times but his kid hasn't been over here..... my poor son will never know why his little friend will never set foot in my home.

What's funny is I have met this guy at band concerts are kids performed at. Shook his hand - did the parent nice to meet you bs. To find out after the fact that guy could put you in prision - fucking scary. Even though I only grow for personal use I have enough in the house to put me away. I was thinking before this I should bury the excess that would put me in felony range, but then I thought I was being paraniod. Now I'm thinking paraniod is good.

Now if anyone actually knows (not just guessing please), if this guy is DEA I don't think he will care about me. But what kind of quanity is a narc cop interested in.... I don't even know what juristiction a 'narc' is, are they city cops? county? state?


Well-Known Member
i used to work at this place. we worked out of a large barn in the guys backyard. he sold the business to an employee and went to cop school and became a cop. we still worked out of his barn for a fews years afterwards. he knew before he became a cop that we all smoked out. that we all had cards. i myself showed respect and did my best to always "go out back" to smoke. not this other guy. he was an ex-employee and he would come by in the afternoons with beer and weed. he'd dump it all out right on the work bench. we were all sitting around smoking and drinking and cop landlord comes strolling in. he just shakes his head and says "can't you guys do that at home". we all looked at him and said "we are home". he said he'd prefer if he didn't have to see it. the dude started to argue with him. "we all have our cards". i stayed out of it. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
narc are the state/county/city cops for the whole i believe...just like DEA is worried about drugs on a national level......the narcotics interdiction officers are only worried about that specific area.

im pretty sure any quantity is enough to make narcs care about you...


Well-Known Member
Your in Cali though my friend :-) My state isn't as liberal. But I do hear what your saying about cops not being as concerned with pot as we may be lead to believe. I just don't know this guy so I can't judge that. My kids know I smoke for PTSD, but they never see it and as far as I know they don't know I grow.


New Member
Cops smell fear and paranoia a mile away. I coach kids basketball at the Y. I sit on a few academic honor societies, and i have cop family(sfpd). I never act like i do anything wrong(which weed isn't), and don't ever bring it up, and noone ever acts otherwise. I act concerned, which i am, about my neighborhood, and surroundings. I also smoke more weed than a little bit and am an ex con. No one ever knows.:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
narc are the state/county/city cops for the whole i believe...just like DEA is worried about drugs on a national level......the narcotics interdiction officers are only worried about that specific area.

im pretty sure any quantity is enough to make narcs care about you...

Oh well just fuck me then - after this batch I will have enough to last 6 months before I start another grow. My husband commented after he heard about this ' well you wanted to live in Agrestic ' hahahahaha where the fuck is U-turn?


Well-Known Member
The thing is that most cops don't care as long as you're not doing it all over other people
and dealing up a storm.. Here it's just not worth the paperwork so you don't get hassled,
which works for me


Well-Known Member
my cop friend asked us when were we all going to get our "meth cards". he found it all to be quite the sham.


Well-Known Member
A cop is a cop is a cop is a cop.. They have SWORN to uphold the law .
So unless he is currupt , Then he might want cash or product to protect you
Or is legit Then you get to go to jail.. OH you have kids living in your house where your growing .. add a charge of child endangerment on to the cultivation and intent to distribute charges ... Keep that dude away... Dont get caught .. ITS NOT WORTH LOSING EVERYTHING


Well-Known Member
A cop is a cop is a cop is a cop.. They have SWORN to uphold the law
Unless he's a cop who's hooked on vicoden then anything goes.

My wife's best friend's husband is a cop,he sends her ass over here to mooch vicoden,one lame story after another,hurt ankle,bad back,tooth ache.

I always give her 20 pills to give him,not before i scrub them on my ball sack though :mrgreen:.

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Unless he's a cop who's hooked on vicoden then anything goes.

My wife's best friend's husband is a cop,he sends her ass over here to mooch vicoden,one lame story after another,hurt ankle,bad back,tooth ache.

I always give her 20 pills to give him,not before i scrub them on my ball sack though :mrgreen:.
Wow, you as cold as ice. Funny as hell though.

I don't know if your being serious, but i know plenty of people
that would really do such a thing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't think he is going to bust you over a few plants.. Let alone his son isn't going to oust you if he is young he won't know whats going on, if he is older he won't want to risk his friend(your son) any trouble, and neither does your son. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Even if this guy came over for dinner, he'd probably just brush it off if he thought something was up, usually friends - to - friends don't bust each other. Work is different than the outside world.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't think he is going to bust you over a few plants.. Let alone his son isn't going to oust you if he is young he won't know whats going on, if he is older he won't want to risk his friend(your son) any trouble, and neither does your son. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Even if this guy came over for dinner, he'd probably just brush it off if he thought something was up, usually friends - to - friends don't bust each other. Work is different than the outside world.

good morning officer. :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :peace:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I guess After reading like 20 threads on this why doesn't everyone ask fdd if he knows how many people have gotten busted from this site? He's been around for along time and has nearly 20000 posts so I'm sure if ANYONE would know he would.......

How about it fdd any knoledgd of any one getting busted on this site?