Naxelas growing diary - first grow


Hello! Had my diary on an other forum but want to have one here aswell!

Strain: Blueberry x 4, Durban poison x 4
Light: Marshydro 300w (old)
Growroom: Ikea kitchen cabinet x 2, going to have a seedling starter box and my mainroom but only using mainroom now. The idea is to have a perpetual sog going.
Method: 12/12 from seed. In small pots to encourage small growth and creating "bud on a stick". A method developed by a swedish grower so going to follow his advice for now.
Nutes: Tomato nutes - NPK - 3-1-5
Medium: potting soil.

Problems I have right now are heat. My apartment has a temp of 25celsius and my closet where the cabinet is reaches 26/27 which means the temps rise to around 30 with the marshydro on. I hope the plants can survive this.

My other problem is that I couldn't find perlite so I'm only using soil mixed with some expanded clay.

2 out of 8 seeds have poped up, but 2 looks a little sad.

here are some pics, and here

Im only using one marshydro right now, didnt do my homework...


Well-Known Member

No way on gods green earth will that 300 finish 4 plants good... But you called it.

The clay is fine I did that last grow to use some of the tonne of hydroton I have laying around.

Exhaust fans? PC fans?



Well-Known Member
Sorry didn't see the img url thing in there before. The 300 pair will work.
You are over heating in that?

Looked again! it is clean well built and not over heating from your numbers.

Relax man you did good. What's the RH of it though?