Possession of one half ounce or less is punishable by up to 30 days in jail, most likely suspended. Possession of greater than one half ounce is punishable by 1 - 120 days in jail, with a possibility of community service or probation in lieu of jail. Possession greater than 1.5 ounces increases the penalties to up to 12 months in jail.
Manufacture, Cultivation, sale or delivery of less than five grams, for no remuneration (payment, barter, or exchange of any kind) is considered possession and not sale. For amounts of ten pounds or less, the penalty is up to 12 months in jail.
Penalties for sale, delivery or manufacture are increased if the sale occurs within 300 feet of a school zone if the offender is over 21 and if the sale was made to a minor or to a pregnant woman.
(N.C.G.S. 90-95 as of 2/05/07)
im not sure NC has plant number deffinitions.... seems cultivation is a felony!
from what i read in some states they just say each plant is attempt to manufacture a lb... no matter how big it is, indoors or outdoors.
not sure if thats law or just seems to be the number they use
in that case it would be around 10 plants... if you really want to play it safe say 5. and you still might get 12 months...
im not a lawyer