Nearly ready for my first grow!


Active Member
Ok, I have my room almost complete so that I can commence my first grow. I went to a grow shop and bought all the gear (I think) and I am getting cuttings from a friend of a friend.

Here's what I got.

20 Pot Atami Wilma
2 Growstar reflectors with 600w bulbs and digital ballasts.
2 extractor fans and ducting
Ph Meter
Rooting agent
BioBiz Bio Grow
Bio Biz Bio Blom
Bio Biz Topmax
Phat Filter
Propogation kit

Am I missing anything to get kicked off? Any help or opinions would be great! ;-)


Well-Known Member
what type of soil? Promix will work fine. I use myccorhizae, which is a beneficial fungi it is not essential but it helps the plant have a larger root system and allows them to absorb nutrient faster and as a result it grows faster.