Need a 600w ballast am i best buying standard or digital?


Well-Known Member
Help... i cant decide... i have heard so many opinions on this that im not sure what to get Some say that the digital ballasts have the potential to crack your bulbs and that they are overhyped regarding extra lumen output... But on the other hand im worried about the heat a normal ballast will put off and the potential for it to go wrong and cause a fire? There is also R/F intereference that digital ballasts produce as well... What are peoples thoughts... do bulbs last longer in a particular ballast as well? Help - very confused...


Well-Known Member
if you eve wanted to switch to CMH instead of HPS go with standard a digital ballast would blow the bulb. but i have never used a digital ballast so sorry


Well-Known Member
I dont think i would change to MH from HPS but i heard that that was on earlier digital ballasts that there was the problem? Still i dont know there may be compatibility issues?


Well-Known Member
for a standard its can go to hps to cmh not regular mh with digital ones its just one type of bulb cmh run cooler then hps to hope this helps sorry dude


Well-Known Member
Im thinking i should just go with the cheap one (standard) if they both do the same job and there isnt really much of a difference in lumen output?... At the moment im using cool white fluorescents to veg and HPS for flowering... my only real worry with the maxibright standard ballasts is the potential for fire... i have heard putting them on a concrete block can make them safer tho


Well-Known Member
i got standard 600, two of them.
i plan on switching to the digi ballasts in the near future.
but i'm getting 2x750watters.
i think the brand is lumatek.
one of my boy has these and says that they put out just like 1000watters.
if you have the money i would get a 750 digis.
i dont think they are that much more expensive than the standard.


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me add a few warms to you cool whites in vegging it helps. so yeah if you put you ballast on some concrete and i even have a small desk fan blowing on mine they do get hot but just keep the air moving around it and don't box it in and you should be fine good luck and happy growing