need a lil help please BUGS


Well-Known Member
i had spider mites got rid of them and put some ladybugs in the room and cleaned up all the excess mites, but now i have a couple of leaves with small chew holes, so my question is will ladybugs start to eat my plant if their is no other fod source or could this be the knats,:weed:


Well-Known Member
sulphur burner. make it/ buy it. use it .dont waste/spend time.

never heard of it what is it and whatsit used for, and i havent wasted any time on it its just a small prob i see no bugs in the room at all just knats and ladybugs witch i put their


Well-Known Member
if the mites are gone the lady bugs will leave and/or die off fast. go to home depot and pick up a $6 hot shot pest strip i swear they work.just keep one in the room with your plants.if you had mites once they can come right back when the predators are gone


Well-Known Member
i foliar feed it did not affect the spider mites in any way.i even started foliar feeding with organocide(kills mite and there eggs) it just made the mites smell like fish oil.but my leaves got dark green and shiney