Need a little help


Ok my question is how long do I flower my Blue berry haze sativa, it's a out door plant 8 ft by 5. It been only flowering for like a week still have a long way but anyone who ever grew sativa help me out how long dose it take for sativa to fully flower.


Active Member
That's easy to find out. Use the net for - marijuana strain guide. Search around with different wording if you can't locate your strain. Type in "Blue berry haze strain" that also may give you the timelines.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Anywhere from 10-12 weeks usually. You gotta look at the trichs under a magnifing glass. Cloudy with a little amber is ready to harvest.


Well-Known Member
That's mall many of us grow are sativa(s). For Sativa grown either indoors or outdoors, the window may be open much longer. Some Sativas take up to thirteen weeks to mature indoors. Outdoors many will go well into November and even December, if conditions are right (again, this is near or at the 45th parallel). Lucky84 sounds like a mean spirit. Medicine4me appeared to be helping. You didn't even give enough information to be given a good quality answer. Go read up on what your doing. Take a happy smoke or something.