need a pros advice on CAL MAG PLUS


when using a aero flo system with advanced brand nutes has anybody noticed bad or harsh flavors when useing cal mag plus all the way through flowering or will a 5 day flush take care of any thing like that? much thanks


Well-Known Member
ummmm i duno, haha

i never needed to use cal mag plus with my nutes, but as long as you use up all the stored up nutes in your medium then you should not have an issue with harshness..
also flushing with plain water for a few days can never be a bad thing


I would use a flushing solution like Final Phase. It should take care of the harshness and bad flavors. When you load up on cal-mag late I think it definitely affects flavor, consistency.


Well-Known Member
I use it. I flush 2 weeks before harvest. And each time I water thereafter. I have no issues. I've never done a flush that close to harvest so can not tell you about such a short flush butt if you flush early no issues.


Well-Known Member
Calmag by itself won't contribute bad or harsh flavors as I will actually flush my dirt plants with that, sweet and liquid karma.
thanks alot guys i am useing CAL meg becouse the mag drive pump is striping the iron from my resavoir and the cal mag works GREAT