Need a second opinioon w/ pics

how much longer do you think the big one needs?

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Well-Known Member
So the big plant i have been flowering for about 5 weeks now im just wondering how much longer some of you may think she will take and others are just some i started from seed 4/4 being female since i sexed them pretty young let me know what you think, good or bad im here for constructive criticism but please dont be too harsh the large plant is the first i have ever grown and this website is whats helped me get as far as i have. thank you ahead of time i really appreciate it



Active Member
looks good man. it might take about 6 more weeks it looks like. harvest when the sprouts that come out turn brown. 50% brown 50% white
and before you harvest give it two hours of darkness


Well-Known Member
ok heres the specs

400 watt hps/mh
3 gallon buckets
miracle grow organic soil
and i dont use nutes till flower and its a 5-55-10
2 fans one small one large both oscilating
temps right around 74
and i water once ever 3-4 days


Well-Known Member
Damn, your right on the money. But im a little icky about not using fert till flower and the idea of 5-55-10. Thats a first. But yeah, you shoule come right along with the way your goin!!! Well done man.


Well-Known Member
More time for sure.... 6 weeks or so, looks pretty good.

wow 5-55-10

Did you go full strength? thats pretty strong...


Well-Known Member
im sorry i looked at a diff one i was using this one is 12-55-6 and i only went like 1/8 strength on that so she hasnt gotten anything major ive only fed once , and i usually like to give my garden i good watering every four days


Well-Known Member
5-55-10 is not food...its a booster your supposed to add it to the flower nutes during the final stages..your going to burn up your plants watch happens over night just like that