Need advice for temps PLZ

First Time Grow2

New Member
My girls are week 3 into flower throughout 12/12 I’ve kept 68*F is that too cold? If so have I mess up my yield and should I raise temps. Any advice helps thanks in advanceC1258BC9-492D-4FC8-A6EB-17506D592C77.jpeg709CBE19-C06D-478A-9F41-B049185AB0BB.jpeg9F0FEFE4-F824-4475-A88E-B3E2C81F4280.jpeg26ED984E-F1F8-44E5-AEB7-138A352B1684.jpeg
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No that's not too cold. The leaf design is for cold temps. I've had some outdoor grows dip to 45f and they did fine. More temp = More growth though.
they will survive but like anything, optimal conditions give optimal harvest. I would try and raise them temps a little, maybe 75 to 80 lights on under LED.