Need advice: In Mid-Atlantic. August and still no sign of flowers


Hey fellow humans! I have a concern that I hope someone can address. My silver haze outdoor crop has not shown any real sign of flowering yet. I suspect it is in the pre-budding growth spurt, but its the second week of August and no pistils (I have already sexed them before I put them outdoors). By the middle of October, I can expect 50F degree nights and lower. Im worried I may be forced to harvest my crop well before they are mature. My last silver haze harvest (indoor, under ideal conditions) took just about 10 weeks. First outdoor grow, but these beauties are 6 1/2 feet tall now. I'd hate to see them get wasted by the frost.

Is it likely/unlikely that they will mature before the middle of October? (August 9th now). Is there anything I can do to help them reach maturity before then? If worst comes to worst, and I have to cut them down early, what advice do you have to help me handle an early crop? Thanks for any input!


Depends on strain... All ya can do is wait. I wouldnt be too concerned about the 50*f temps at night... they can handle a lot lower temps than that. I've had some in full bloom go thru a couple soft frosts, so just let them go till they're done :D


Active Member
Had some outdoors last year at 27F. Covered with plastic, they made out fine. A couple good frosts will make them extra tasty :)
i second longbow, i grew silver haze in northern vermont last year. they didnt make it all the way to maturity before they had too many nights in the 20's so the harvest was disappointing but depending on how far south you are they'll have a better chance. you shouldnt really see signs of flowering this early anyway, think of aug 15th to oct 15th as the minimum outdoor flower period so you might not see signs til right around sept 1st, nothing wrong with that. leave those things out there until you have a couple consecutive nights with a few hours below freezing. its a great strain, hardy and resistant to disease and mold in my experience. good luck homie.

charles lewis

Well-Known Member
Don't worry you should be fine. None of my ladies are showing yet. & i also had a few light frost nights last year it was not problem at all.


Hey everyone, thanks for the input. Consensus seems to be that they'll be alright. I had no idea that a sativa dominant strain would be so resilient. Thats a load off my mind! Learn somethin new every day, eh? Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Weird...I have an Amnesia Haze that has been flowering for a good week and a half already! Last year no flowers until at least August 23rd, but now in July.