Need advice on my first grow.

From the start of this I was in the process of building my enclosed grow area. I had just finished it when my buddy says he's got two small plants about three weeks old from seed (window seal type grow). They were in the same pot. I figured good test run for the new set up. I received them and they look a lil droopy but green with some yellow lil bottom leaves. I took it and put it under the light for a day and the following evening I transplanted both into seperate 2.5 gal pots with drain pans. I'm not to sure if the roots were too premature i really didnt notice a bunch of roots. I used foxfarms w/moisture control. I watered them but not exessive. I haven't used nutrients just what's in the foxfarms. Will they be ok? There seems to be no change. It's been 4 days.



Active Member
They seem to be in shock. They could be putting out roots. When it comes to transplanting my grandmother explained, it's sleep, creep, then leap. Hold back on further watering, keep under light, see what happens.

If this is your first grow, why not invest in some good beans?


Well-Known Member
They are stealing energy and dropping the bottom leaves to handle the shock. Top looks nice and green, so just don't over/under water and don't over/under (1/2 strength) feed for the next week and you will see it start growing.

Looks like they are pretty wet ATM.
Thanks Nomo. I will leave em be and monitor watering every couple days. They were wet in that pic because I sprayed em that day. I will follow up.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nomo. I will leave em be and monitor watering every couple days. They were wet in that pic because I sprayed em that day. I will follow up.
Don't spray them. They are sagging a little meaning they have more water in them than is healthy at the moment. Spraying seems like a good thing to do, I think it's a human instinct, but unless there is something to wash off, you are foliar feeding (due to a deficiency), or you are applying a safe pesticide, don't spray them at all.
Don't spray them. They are sagging a little meaning they have more water in them than is healthy at the moment. Spraying seems like a good thing to do, I think it's a human instinct, but unless there is something to wash off, you are foliar feeding (due to a deficiency), or you are applying a safe pesticide, don't spray them at all.
I will not spray them for sure. So my best solution right now is to leave them on their 18/6 and let them settle in? And don't water for a couple days?
Don't spray them. They are sagging a little meaning they have more water in them than is healthy at the moment. Spraying seems like a good thing to do, I think it's a human instinct, but unless there is something to wash off, you are foliar feeding (due to a deficiency), or you are applying a safe pesticide, don't spray them at all.
Hey Nomo quick question on my grow. I have 2460 lumens of 6500k for each plant plus and 2 small 860 lumen (1600) on the side. Is this enough for these young plants?20141227_213345.jpg20141227_213342.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey Nomo quick question on my grow. I have 2460 lumens of 6500k for each plant plus and 2 small 860 lumen (1600) on the side. Is this enough for these young plants?View attachment 3320726View attachment 3320727

You should be good to not have low light issues now. You can bring them closer, CFLs can touch/almost touch the plant depending on the specific wattage/design. I would bring them down to 2-3" above them. You should be good on light until they get a good deal bigger.

I target 7500 lumens per sqft once they are established well. 5500 lumens/sqft seems to be about the average setup on here though. At your stage, you should have enough lumens, it's just confining them to where you want them. Once the plants get bigger you will need more.

I don't think your CFLs will put out enough light to generate a hot enough spot even with a really shitty reflector. You would have to try to burn the plant with a CFL, go up to a 400w+ HID and you have another story.
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1600....duh..just testing passed! Lol Thanks man. It is definitely temporary lighting I will be investing a lil bit more on some lighting especially before flowering.
Also if I was to use these 40 watt/2700k/T4/2600 lumen bulbs 20141227_221756.jpg maybe 6-8 would it be sufficient. It's because I got alot for cheap 50 cents ea.


Well-Known Member
I actually though you were trying to tell me the color 1600k, that would be a new one, IR light or something.


Well-Known Member
I thought about stuff like this before I found cheap LEDs. There is a 2 pack of socket adapters for $1 at most hardware stores. Add that to power strips and reflectors... The CFLs should be fun for you, but don't spend much playing with them. To grow a decent grow with them the room is going to look like a decorated Christmas tree.
I thought about stuff like this before I found cheap LEDs. There is a 2 pack of socket adapters for $1 at most hardware stores. Add that to power strips and reflectors... The CFLs should be fun for you, but don't spend much playing with them. To grow a decent grow with them the room is going to look like a decorated Christmas tree.
Lol right on. Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.


Active Member
1600....duh..just testing passed! Lol Thanks man. It is definitely temporary lighting I will be investing a lil bit more on some lighting especially before flowering.
Also if I was to use these 40 watt/2700k/T4/2600 lumen bulbs View attachment 3320736 maybe 6-8 would it be sufficient. It's because I got alot for cheap 50 cents ea.
The 2700K is for budding, the 6500K is for vegging. I've never grown with anything else but fluorescent. I get several ounces from two plants and I don't need to grow more, until next time.

During the vegging and the early part of flowering, you need to keep up on bulb placement- moving them up and out once a day (or more). After they stop growing and start to make buds, it is all a matter of fine tuning (move this bulb over and I can light up three buds instead of one, an extra one to this corner, etc.).

Never mist. I know, you've seen Miss Marpel misting her roses on televisions, but it isn't good for marijuana.

As far as watering, you do have holes in the bottom of the pots, right? If water comes out, you've given too much water. In the vegetative period and early budding, the plant doesn't use that much water. Water once a week, or even less. When you are nearing the end of growing, when the buds are putting on weight, when the roots are jam packed in the pot, then it may need to be watered every day, even twice a day, but that only happens at the very end of the grow. I don't think I have ever seen a person here have a plant that died form lack of water.


Active Member
Tip on the CFLs: use the 23Watt Bulbs, NOT the bigger ones, The bigger ones provide less Lumen per watt "1600 Lumens at 23w = 69 Lumens per watt, The bigger CFLs are 60 Lumens per watt" So you get more bang for your buck with having more smaller bulbs, then fewer bigger bulbs. I am using 20 x 23w CFLs for Flowering and it is taking off like a jack rabbit :D I used 10 x 23 CFLs for Veg, and it vegged like a monster as well, I keep the hood at 4" at all times "This does mean you will be having to adjust it quite often that is the downfall of CFLs..." Don't put it at the 1"-2" mark, people told me that, and all my start leaves got burnt pretty good because of it :D


Active Member
I thought about stuff like this before I found cheap LEDs. There is a 2 pack of socket adapters for $1 at most hardware stores. Add that to power strips and reflectors... The CFLs should be fun for you, but don't spend much playing with them. To grow a decent grow with them the room is going to look like a decorated Christmas tree.

I have 1 hood, with 20 CFLs, and my grow is growing super strong, I am gaining 2"-3" + every day, and they are only being used with a Hood up top, and reflection on the sides, I have no cfls dangling around it, just the hood with 20 cfls :) ======TIP I HAVE LEARNED: Don't just use 1 spectrum of CFLs during any part of the grow, For Veg, use like 7 to 1 6500k to 2700k, For flower, I am using 10x 2700k, 5x 3500k, and 5x 6500k, Don't just flower with 2700k, although the majority should be 2700k. This is the problem most CFL growers have, they think just use 2700k because people say they are the best spectrum, but you still need the other spectrums to grow properly.