need advice on outdoor soil


Well-Known Member
hi everyone so i am planning on doing a guerrilla grow this year and this will be my 2nd attempt. the problem is i do not think i will be able to haul much soil into the woods to my spot, if any at all because it may attract attention.

So my question is would i still be able to obtain good results if i was to use organic nutes mixed with the natural soil in the woods? What nutes would you recommend to use in the mix? thanks in advance everyone....:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
anyone have any advice??? i thought someone would be able to help me out real quick with this question...

Lil Weedy

Well-Known Member
hi everyone so i am planning on doing a guerrilla grow this year and this will be my 2nd attempt. the problem is i do not think i will be able to haul much soil into the woods to my spot, if any at all because it may attract attention.

So my question is would i still be able to obtain good results if i was to use organic nutes mixed with the natural soil in the woods? What nutes would you recommend to use in the mix? thanks in advance everyone....:blsmoke:
Sure, by organic nutes do you mean organic liquid concentrated nutes or bat guano and earthworm castings? Liquid nutes wouldn't work less you were coming out weekly to water. The other stuff stays as a soil ammendment. Anyways, if you can't get out bags of stuff, organic ammendments wouldn't work, as it comes in bags. As for the liquid stuff, people may see you carrying them bottles and have just as much suspesion. My reccomendation, start a compost pile out in that area for your nutrients and take a trip with a rototiller if it's out where sound wouldn't effect nothing, if sounds a problem too then grab some garden tools to hand till the soil. Now if you can't do any of that, here's some no-till gardening info, dunno if it'd help.


Well-Known Member
thanks 4 the help weedy and yeah i guess it would be just as suspicious... i think ill start a compost