need advice on shrooms


Well-Known Member
:leaf:ive been kind of curious on taking shrooms, can any one explain to me what kind of "tripp" goes on while on shrooms, what are some thing i shouldnt do while on shrooms:leaf:

any advice???


Well-Known Member
my advice is to do as many of them as you can but be sure your naked first that way its super funny from the start


Well-Known Member
well it really depends on the dose theres a scale lets call it the trip factor going from 1-5.
(this isnt the actual scale just my interpretation)

level 1: slightly happy feeling, time seems to slow down slightly your thought patterns may become more fluid yet strange

level 2: time expands further, an extra awareness of your surroundings may open up, slight (mostly social) anxiety may start to raise its head here, things may look as if they are shifting or warping very slightly without actually moving, strange thought patterns will increase

level 3: still aware of your surroundings but things will be very unreal, patterns may appear to move over objects, colours will appear much brighter. very confusing thought patterns will take place now mostly things will seem pretty funny though, social anxiety can be quite strong now or you may be laughing too much to notice that

level 4: very intense visuals, many colours appearing and moving on surfaces patterns will appear and move around and over objects, things such as doors and windows may appear to be open although you can see they are not. train of thought will be pretty much uncontrollable and confusing (or funny depending on which way you take it), moving may feel very strange, as if you are not moving through your surroundings but rather they are moving around you. deep life changing thoughts and realisations may enter your head, epiphanies

level 5: complete loss of awareness, ego death and meetings with entities.



Well-Known Member
thanks berbonber, but what kind of "dose" whould you recomend that i take for a first time???


Well-Known Member
I would never take more than 2-3 grams if you want to have fun. Any more than 3g and it will be too much for your first time. Honestly, you don't even need that much. 1-2g can really get you started for a nice night.


Well-Known Member
i would eat like 3 grams and that should be pretty strong for the first time you dont want to over do it then it might be to overwhelming for the first time

Start slow so you can understand the high then once you done it once and know what to expect then you can go crazy and see how far you can push your mind

Have fun and be safe make sure to do it somewhere you feel safe so you get only good vibes and make sure to have lots and lots of weed :weed::leaf:

what uup

Active Member
Yeah, honestly you should probably start with 2.5 - 3.0g tops. Smoke right after you eat them so you aren't concerned with "are they hitting me yet", and continue to smoke for the next several hours. As stated above be in a comfortable surrounding, have some good music, and try to stay around only other people that are tripping.

enjoy bro.


Well-Known Member
and dont smoke, save that for 6 hours later, drink a bit though, its way funner to be walking around buzzed and shroomin


Active Member
start small. no more than a gram.
then move up.
trust me.
when i trip i trip for a few days and i biuld up my trip slow untill i got that sweet vibe that im lookin for.


Well-Known Member
Deffinatly start with like 2-3 no more, you don't want to over do it the first time. Having a comfortable surrounding is the biggest key. Don't make any plans for about 6 hours, chill with some good music, and have a comfortable palce to sit. Some people don't like to smoke, I find that it helps remove the before mentioned social anxiety. I find its best to not have a ton of people around, esspecially if they are not tripping with you, that is just annoying!! I enjoyed watching Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas every several trips, but some people don't, it is deffinatly a differant trip if you do. The biggest thing is to just chill, and enjoy it. Don't stress about stuff(thats y you shouldn't make plans), just take the ride they give you. You will prolly have a hard time sleeping if you do them at night, I'm usually up all night when I do. Do this stuff, and you should have a great time, and next time you will probly want to eat more, I usually feel that way. If you have more wait atleast 3-4 days before you eat them, the effects wont be as good if you eat them imidiatly. I've eatin some the next day, and hardly even felt it because the others weren't out of my system yet! So peace, good luck, and good shroomin!


Well-Known Member
well i always eat about 3 to 4 caps,make sure your around people that are tripin are happy and funny...if you start trippin an are feelin down are negative ur most likely to have a trip like that so set up a house where everyone will be trippin at an have a blast,make sure you have plenty of pot and black light and good music....just go with it bro,don't fight it all feelings are normal you will love it,,,Since your a beginer only eat 2 caps if there pretty strong,,,later bro


Well-Known Member
I always want to eat shrooms, lol. But unfortunatly I can only seem to find them like once a year max!! I've grown them before, and that was fucking great, had shrooms several times in like 3 months! But unfortunatly again, that was over a year ago now. Maybe its time for more.....?


Well-Known Member
i did them for the first time tuesday and me and 3 of my buddys filled a cookin tray and just cleared the tray probably average out as 4to5grams a took like 2 hours to set in fully it was the most amazing thing ive ever done i plan on doing them agian this weekend.we drove around pretty much the whole time.we cuaght air in my buddy toyota tundra.the best thing about the shrooms though they were free.