need advice on smell vs harvesting early.


Ok so heres the deal I have two plants growing and its very close to harvest. I have a carbon filter (a fresh one) and yet the entire house still smells like weed. I have checked the seals and done everything I can think of to fix it.
Now the smell hasnt been a big problem because all of my roommates have been gone but now one of them is coming back in 3 days. The weed should be ready for harvest totally on that day. I need advice on how to take care of the stench at least temporarily so that I get the full return for my time investment.
Its only two plants in a stealth cab but they are dank AF. I could harvest them early but i dont know how long it takes for them to stop smelling after hanging.


Well-Known Member
the simple answer .......

burn a dinner on the stove or oven .................Have fire provention like 2 or 3 turn off the smoke alarms

u want something strong like garlic .........burnt garlic fish .....that smell will give u 10 days of cover


Well-Known Member
The filter still gives smell off because its rated cfm is lower then your fan.

Example, a 200 cfm rated filter and a 400 cfm fan isn't compatible because running the fan is allowing 2oo cfm of smell though


The filter still gives smell off because its rated cfm is lower then your fan.

Example, a 200 cfm rated filter and a 400 cfm fan isn't compatible because running the fan is allowing 2oo cfm of smell though
I thing this is the problem if he checked for leaks.
Sorry to barge in on the thread. Smell is also a concern to me, living in a small flat. Just looked up what an Ona Bock is and thinking about getting one. Have you guys tried all the scents and have any preference as to which one works best - neutral, linen, or apple crumble? Or have you found them all to be equally effective?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I like Ona because it's mixes well with the pot smell....leaves a laundry scent behind that covers most of the pot smell

edit: I use the Linen style


Well-Known Member
I run a 400 cfm phresh filter with 400 cfm fan and no smell at all. even when I dim the fan down. how old is your filter?


Well-Known Member
That place is going to STINK when you're trimming. I mean fill up your room and the surrounding rooms. Good Luck!

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
Or, perhaps your filter isn't hooked up right. I went to doctor someones grow once and they had the can filter on the outside of the box. filtering from the inside of the can out. Which makes the dust prefilter on the outside useless. Once dust clogs up the carbon it stops functioning properly. Or the fan pulling more than the filter can handle.

A carbon filter should work well especially if you only have 2 plants. There has to be an explanation.

Like the burnt fish smell mentioned above, I found burnt popcorn works too. I found this out by mistake. I went to throw it in the trash by my basement and it was all I smelled for 2 days before I took the bag outside.

Hear good things about Ona. Have not needed to try it yet but I would like to have some in case.


Well-Known Member
Or, perhaps your filter isn't hooked up right. I went to doctor someones grow once and they had the can filter on the outside of the box. filtering from the inside of the can out. Which makes the dust prefilter on the outside useless. Once dust clogs up the carbon it stops functioning properly. Or the fan pulling more than the filter can handle.

A carbon filter should work well especially if you only have 2 plants. There has to be an explanation.

Like the burnt fish smell mentioned above, I found burnt popcorn works too. I found this out by mistake. I went to throw it in the trash by my basement and it was all I smelled for 2 days before I took the bag outside.

Hear good things about Ona. Have not needed to try it yet but I would like to have some in case.
filter will work either way ive done both but your right if its blowing into the filter it will make the prefilter useless


New Member
The filter still gives smell off because its rated cfm is lower then your fan.

Example, a 200 cfm rated filter and a 400 cfm fan isn't compatible because running the fan is allowing 2oo cfm of smell though
A good possibility...You have to remember that carbon can only do so much and if any humidity is even less effective. I no longer use any filters because of it. I run a ozonator now in my exhaust which completely 100% removes all scent. They actually sell small home units now to clean your room air. I like the burning thing...maybe burn a little curry!


Well-Known Member
hey just a question to the guy with the smell issue. what are you going to do about dryin it? your still going to stink up the place.. i use the fresh laundry scen cans one in my filter and one in my room where drying. do your roomates burn? puff down with them and then go from there hell you might be just blowing up for nothing. they might not care just tell them u got some stinky bud and smoke up..


Active Member
All these fixes may only fix it for a hour or two, but the odor will still be a concern.

I highly suggest buying a larger CFM / bigger Carbon Filter. Just my two cents though.


Well-Known Member
Are you harvesting before they get home and are concerned that they will recognize the smell or will they still be growing when your roomies get home?

If you are just covering up the scent of the grow ona works fine but still leaves a hint of "something" but not exactly weed. It should be enough to get rid of the lingering smell. If your grow will continue after they get home, you need to get your carbon filter situation figured out.


woah the thread blew up anyway i think that there are two things that are right here. I did the diy carbon filter with the prefilter wrapped on the metal screen and put it on a huge 400 cfm fan that i have speed controlled down to about 100cfm. It is also on the outside so im pushing it through the filter. I think my solution was to just open my window for a few days and light some candles and clean the house. if i have to im going to burn some fish haha.


I dont believe im going to spend any money on it simply because after this grow im done. too much stress but it was a great experience.


I like to grow other plants around my place that have a sweet smell... ontop of the can filter and ona gel... by your front door and windows keep weeping fig trees or hummingbird vine... anything that produces a faint sickly sweet smell and is fairly mindless to grow works fine. I realized as I typed this that it wont help you in 3 days at all... Unless you take a trip to your local garden store and buy the stinkiest funkiest plant you can find... Put it in the living room before your roommate comes home, claim it was a gift from family and you cant get rid of it...