Need advice on spinning lights


Active Member
Ok so Ive been having some long talks with our local grow shop and there main line of lights are the new spinning lights w/ multi spectrum bulbs. Has anyone had any experience, I would really like to know. On a fixed hood if you put one hand on top of the other with a space between, your bottom hand will be shaded. (like leaves shading lower branches) Now with these lights and the way it was explained to me if you do the same your bottom hand will be lit up so in the end your getting more light to more areas of your plants. I've read a few articles of people producing huge amounts on one plant (indoors). It would be nice to grow one or two instead of ten if you could get the same amount. Any input would be great!:idea:


Well-Known Member
WTF do you mean by "Spinning Lights" - are you talking about "Circular Light Movers"?

As any "Light Mover" makes the light move, the shadows under the canapy move also - allowing more foliage to receive light.

Yes, light movers really do increase yield!


Active Member
thx fdd2blk thats WTF im talking about TH CAMO. And the point is behind these lights is that your actually bending light. Theory being that if you have a horizontal hood and you have an indica with big shade leaves/water leaves then your not getting alot of light to the bottom portion of your plant. These lights are designed to illeviate the shadows. NO SHADOWS = MORE LIGHT TO YOUR PLANTS. Once again thats WTF im talking about TH CAMO.


Active Member
Supposely high times will be doing a 5 page spread on these spinning lights. Expensive, but possibly worth the investment depending on how much or how big you wana grow. Just seeing if anyone had any input or has experience with these


Well-Known Member
Seems like a lot of expense. Also....I wonder if the light would draw the same amount of electricity with all those lights? or if you'd have a higher bill running so many extra lights? Its a cool idea. If I had plenty of expendable income I would so do it, but clones are free ;)


Active Member
True but each bulb is 100watts to 200watts. The idea is that as they spin (which is relatively fast) they double your light and cool themselves because the bulbs are less wattage and not at a stand still. Plus you no longer have to use inline fans (illeviating elctricity on that note) So right now if I got rid of my 2- 1000watt lights and went to a 4 arm spinning light thats only 800watts and cool themselves up to 70percent of what my old ones would do Id actually be useing less electricity. Plus your doubling your light to the plants by the spin and the coverage. But thats why Im posting this. Its all hearsay at this point Im looking for someone with experience

Note- the picture is not the exact one Im looking at but same exact concept.


Well-Known Member
I doubt if anyone here has them. Maybe, but this is the first time Ive seen them. Thats interesting though that they are more cost effective. what does 1 light cost? do they run MH and HPS? or some other type of light? If it would lessen your electric bill + produce more bud growth and the price isn't like outrageous then long run it might actually be worth it.

Im sure you probably already tried, but did you google to see if there was any other threads or reviews or sites that had experience with them?


Active Member
They run some other type of light. The company in specific uses a few different spectrums of bulbs and I could be very wrong but I think theyre plasma bulbs. Ill get the pamphlet and be right back to let ya know. I wouldnt mind investing if they will pay off.

oh and good idea on the searching I just thought somebody here had to know


Well-Known Member
i like the idea of being able to mix bulbs. i'd throw 1 or 2 MH in there for flower along with my HPS. :wink:


Active Member
the company that makes the bulbs is SUNPULSE but I dont believe they make the spinning light Im looking at. These bulbs are just meant to go in the spinning light. The guy that makes the actual light (From what im hearing) is also the same guy that makes the true digital ballast (Dballast)


Active Member
check out SUNPULSE the idea is to EXACTLY replicate the spectrum of the sun. From the time it comes up in the morning to the time it goes down at night it has different color spectrums and thats the idea

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I was just reading about these in a magazine. they look pretty darn cool but since they are like a celing fan you wouldn't be able to lower/raise them to get them the optimum distance from the plants, right? That seems like a pretty big problem with the design.


Active Member
warlord dont quote me on this but I believe they do adjust. Not sure how and the pics dont do any justice but from what Ive heard you can. (local dealer that has them is where Im getting my info)


Well-Known Member
really interesting. If its replicating sunlight and installs from the ceiling then maybe it wouldn't need to be right on your plants. I mean its not like when you grow outside you can just hover the sun over your plants ;) however....I would imagine the thing would have to be adjustable or at the very least have option to change it to such because otherwise its kind of useless except maybe in a greenhouse situation where your lights are installed. Could be cool. If you get them be sure to make a grow journal and post up a link on this thread because I'd love to watch it and see how it goes.

How much is your local store selling them for?

Thats pretty sweet that the light changes its intensity...on its own!


Active Member
Will do! wont be til this harvest is done so look for it in a couple months

more like a month and a half actually