Need advice on stem tilting

I was wondering if anybody knows what could be causing the stem to be tilting/bending in such a manner on this seedling. Using a 400 watt hps setup (lighting is about 4-5 feet away) with a 6 inch inline fan and carbon filter- got a small fan set to low (1) blowing inside my 2.5 foot x 4 foot x 7 foot tent. I planted this back on Sept 29th and haven't watered since the initial watering as I felt it was unnecessary since to this day good portion of the soil remains moist...I spray the top of the soil with a spray bottle every time it dries. Haven't used no nutes. The strain is Purple Kush Automatic from Rare Earth Seeds. I was thinking about tieing it up to something to keep the stem straight? Thought I'd get input first any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
it happens. some stems are weak. you could prop it up.
i just let mine go, they get pretty though after they really get growing.
Awesome I'm glad its nothing too big lol. I actually just moved some soil around so it cover the length of the stem and straightens it. I hope that does the trick for now thanks for the reply brother


Well-Known Member
that works with the dirt, but just watch when you water. water slow, so you dont displace the dirt, or it will just fall again.

best of luck. seed looks healthy.


Well-Known Member
You can prop her up -- someone here recommend untwisting a paper clip except for the last bend and using that as a little prop hook. It worked out really well for me when my seedling's stem was a lot thinner than yours.

Also, even a bent-over stem will straighten up on its own as it grows. Just don't bump her around or displace her with the watering, as someone already pointed out.