need advice on weather and harvesting

it has been in the low 60s and high 50s in the day and getting even colder at night. my ladies are in a green house but its not heated and cant be(impossible and dangerouse where its at) and it has been raining alot lately should i cut them down or no? could really use advice.


hey man, going though the same thing here. I kinda found out though a lot of peoples info that the cold weather will prevent mold from forming when in that very moist climet. I guess thats 1 good thing. I was told that they can live in very cold not below 32 degrees. But If they have a good rooting system they should be fine to survive for almost 2 weeks of constant rain. But I tell everyone to check with some of the pro's.


Well-Known Member
ya i was going to rec to chop. mold loves the cold/wet. hope you got to save some! damn the bad luck!!!


Well-Known Member
go to farm adnd tractor and get a wick style kerosene heater..or better yet..some long power 2 to 3 electric heaters from wallmart... the ones with a temp gauge ..use them for another month..and go return them when your done..90 day return deal