Need Advice Please!

Which nutrients or fertilizers should I use for which stage growing outoodrs?
like what should I look for in the general area of NPK for each stage.

This will be my first outdoor grow!!


Well-Known Member
i think you should go thru the fox farm series of fertalizers like tigerbloom,big bloom and so on just look up theyre feeding charts
i think you should go thru the fox farm series of fertalizers like tigerbloom,big bloom and so on just look up theyre feeding charts
Thats what I was looking at, I just couldnt find a guide anywhere on the internet about the NPK for each stages and I dont wanna get something and unknowingly use it at the wrong time and fuck over my harvest


Well-Known Member
for outdoors just pick a good name for nutes, follow the feeding schedule and you will be fine. outdoors is a lot more forgiving for over or under doing your ferts.


Well-Known Member
for outdoors just pick a good name for nutes, follow the feeding schedule and you will be fine. outdoors is a lot more forgiving for over or under doing your ferts.
marcnh is right you have less risk of messing up the nute feeding outdoors


Well-Known Member
During vegetive stage you want something high in nitrogen. This season I've been pretty happy with the results I'm getting from fish emulsions (5-1-1). During the flowering phase I go with a nutrient that has ample phosphorous and potassium (N-K), but low nitrogen. For example a 1-2-2 would be perfect. Also keep in mind, the numbers are just ratios (%). A nutrient that says 2-10-10 is not better then 1-5-5; it is simply more concentrated and would require less applications.