Need Advice...


Hey guys, So today I went to check on my babies, I decided to take them out of my grow room to check out the buds and what not (3 weeks into flower) and I noticed one of my plants is going... Hermi. Fml. I have another 7 plants in my grow room, So my question is should I butch this plant? Or leave it and harvest it a little earlier before the pollen gets way out of hand?

... Also another question, I took clones off of this plant. Will these clones surely be Hermi aswell?!

Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
before pollen gets out of hand? no such thing, if this thing has pods that look like they are going to open, u need to exterminate it unless u want it to seed ur whole grow....up to u. clones, might or might now. r all the plants the same strain & from same seeds? if so, then just because this plant hermied doesnt mean clones will, might have been just stress to this particular plant for one reason or another. But I would watch the clones double time for sure when flowering time came.


So I should slay this plant? One thing I did notice is that this is the ONLY plant planted in MG. So the clones wont be hermi!? :)


Well-Known Member
k, let me put it to u this way, u a gamblin man? like to shoot craps? if u r, leave it, see what happens. seriously, u said u have SEVEN other plants, do u really want to take the slightest risk of that one plant pollenating all ur others. it is ONE plant, get rid of it, & with it the potential worries. again, if that plant came from a hermie seed, likely yes all clones will hermie. however, stress could have hermied that plant & therefore, that doesn't mean the clones will.