need build ideas on venting


I have a 9 X !2 roon with a 28inch deep clost 7 feet long. The windows I have are each 2 feetwide and open as sliders from the bottom. Problem is is that everyth ing has to be white when viewed from the outside.

I was thinking of building a box of some sort and a screen spray painted white with ducting running into it but, and there is always a but, we have vertical blinds that have to be in sight. So how do I expel the warm air without itmessing up the blinds.

If anyone has has similar ideas or problems please let me know.

I almost need a blue print or detailed ideas. Thabks again ahead of time.


Well-Known Member
Yo method,

Check out the 1" or 2" styrofoam insulation.

Heck, check out my Flower Lab.

Just put on a pair of shades before entering,,,,,,,

let me know if that helps.




Its an apartment with vertical blinds that have to show from the window. I will be running as the plants progress 105 cfls in refelctorsM then a 400 watt and then a 600 watt. The lighting might and will proabably change but I'm looking for a way to build an exhaust box but somehow without the blinds exposing the light behind it. I will drap a cloth behind the window to block out the light and possibly that new diamond foil.

Btw any news on the diamond ir blocking foil and any ideas what I should build that would retain the look of some verticals but allow air to be expelled?

Any help is appreciated.

Diffrent topic what strains are good for the tropics?
