Need Clarification on Drying/Curing

Hey RIU! just have some questions on drying and curing, i need to get this right this time!

1) I need to have my buds somewhere totally DARK. in 18-24C (64-75F)?
2) Remove all FAN leaves, but sugar leaves are fine for now (before jarring)?
3) Dry as long as possible, 5+ days?
4) Dry until bud is dry on the outside but stem still has some bend to it?

1) Do the final trim on all the buds and remove from stem?
2) Set jars aside in the dark?
3) Wait 12-24 (until jar reaches 70%RH) for the FIRST time then burp?

I dont understand what to do next and what numbers im looking for after the first burp. I want to end up with some dank meds!


Well-Known Member
1) Yea, dry in a somewhat cool dark place with adequate air circulation.
2) Yes.
3) Drying should only take a couple days
4)General rule afaik is to dry until buds are crispy on the outside, but have some spring in the middle. and dry just until stem can snap.

1) yes
2) Yes
3) check it often the first day or 2 if the outside gets pretty moist, let it breathe a couple hours and start curing again. then just burp the jars a couple times a day, for a week or so. then just burp whenever. after a couple weeks, it should be great, and then gets better with age.


Well-Known Member
I put a hygrometer in my jar and burp 'till I reach 50 to 55 deg humidity, then check it every 3 to 4 days to make sure it maintains that humidity, once stable, that's it. btw I trim fan leaves and sugar leaves before drying.