Need desperate help!!!




Well-Known Member
is this a decent set up it's under my bed and I have a basking light 100watts it's lined with white paper and the inside of chip bags
Sorry to laugh but damn that's Ghetto!:lol: It's not worth the risk unless you put a little money into it. I'm not sure what your talking about when you mention "basking light 100w". Never heard of this. But it doesn't sound like this is going to work. And that's pretty dangerous also. That's the one place you would never want a fire starting!!! That link didn't work, I'd like to see pic's though....:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i believe a basking light is light a heat lamp for reptiles. I could be wrong but pretty sure thats what it is. Does sound pretty ghetto and i would also like to see a pic.


Well-Known Member
I think our buddy might've set himself on fire. Greasy potato chip bags + a heat lamp + underneath his bed (you know he has the covers down so nobody sees)


Alrighty but I only have like 17inches in height and a 4 feet long and 2 feet wide to work with that's the only problem I can get the right supplies just going to wait till the weekend and I've been pulling little things off of each web site and that's what I've come up with


Well-Known Member
are you a kid trying to grow in your parents house ? In a town with a large Federal prison ?


Well-Known Member
I think you could get some exciting results if would add some lit candles under there. It would help keep the plants warm.


Well-Known Member
You have to work with what you have and it is good that another grower is out there doing his or her thing good on you.If you can not get any mylar from a hydroponic shop then use tin foil with the dull side out look at foil and there is a dull side.Only utilise the space that you are growing in say if you are only doing two plant's or maybe flowering a few more but small then make sure that the space is boxed off this will stop any valuble lumans escapeing.Get a carboard box or a wooden made one would be better you want a bottom and back and two side's.A door can be made out of cardboard with tinfoil on the front of that too just leave the top open for the light.Add has many cfl's has possible.A t5 set up is the best way to go if useing low wattage lights though and build up to a hps set up make sure that there is plenty of air movement try and aim for cool daylight spec rather than the warm version this will allow you to put the lights realy close to the plant tops......................................tyke..........................................................................

Richie Bud

Active Member
Give it up bro you will not get any where growing under your bed they will n ever grow if you want to grow then you need the space to let the plants flurish they will die under your bed

Richie Bud

Active Member
look mate don't take any notice of the people who are putting you down
We all had to start some where and we all made mistakes when we first started
If I were you I wouls find a wardrobe or a good sized closit to grow in.The most important thing for you to get good results is read up on growing and then read some more
eventualy you will get the hang of things and you will have your own smoke But this will not happen growing under your bed
I am on my first grow and they are doing great I have got so much valuible info on this site I would have messed up big time if I had not gotten help
all the best in the future with your grow


Active Member
If I was you wait till u move.. but you can plan what stuff you are going to get and like wot Richie said find a wardrobe or you might find a good sized closit in the new place to grow in.


If your setup has a chance in hell, you might want to switch to a large CFL like a 200w even then you should use a couple more than one. im using 4x150w bulbs in a pie plate, in my second shower lol and its about a foot high now, but took some time to get that far. my whole setup dirt and all cost me about $200.


I took you guys advice I order a roll of Mylar last night and 2 100watts and 2 200watts for the future but my one plant is certainly growing(stem is about an inch out of the soil)has 4 leafs comming but I'm done growing under my bed I don't know what I was thinking but now it's in my basment with good ventalation thanks for the help