Need Experienced Grower's Help!


Active Member
Ok so ive watched alot of scrogging vids and also looked up some tutorials and i still cant figure out the whole concept. Im going to be doing some reg seeds in a closet scrog grow. Critical Mass

My Questions

1. Ive seen a guy who made individual scrogs for his plants and i was wondering if anyone on here has done so and how did it turn out?

2. How big should the single scrog be per plant?

3. I really dont understand the whole scrogging concept like should i veg until my screen is green or wait until my plants reach the screen and then flip.

4. The whole "tucking" or clipping your plants to the screen concept has me baffled, can anyone direct me to some correct easy to follow directions on scrogging +rep involved :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I love scrogging. I almost always do it. It's just LST, so you have to get the plants to the screen. I generally let them grow up a bit past the screen, then tuck em back down - always keeping the plant/stems under the screen, not twisted over and under. It doesn't really matter though.

The main point is to get everything even, so you don't have peaks in your canopy during flowering. Get the screen filled up somewhat good, but not completely. and switch them to 12/12 to stretch through the screen. You should end up with a shit load of cola's all about the same size.

Just give it a shot, you'll see what works best. Just don't have the screen to high, and when you flower, you should probably clip any growth under the screen as it won't get much light through the canopy, and just be a waste.

Scrogging individual plants seems like a pain and a waste. But who knows, It might just be the thing for you. I personally, just use one screen.


4 is just to make sure you maximize the amount of light to the parts that need it, clip leaves to give lower parts more light or tuck them (bend them in) to allow light to get around.
i had a ? on this too.
5. could growing with scrog weaken or strenghen the main stem? i was worried it might stress the base with more weight.


Well-Known Member
nope, quite the opposite, depending on how you twist through it, It will actually add alot of strength to your canopy. Besides, the main stalk generally grows well enough to support itself. It's all the branches that fall over. But the scrog helps remedy this, since your not letting branches get to long. They grow, you tuck them under, then all the secondary growth start shooting up. maybe one more tuck to get things as even as possible, and off to flowering.

I don't clip leaves, I think that's nonsense. No magical fairy is going around clipping leaves in the wild. Plants store their energy in it's leaves. However. Small leaves, and small popcorn type growth spots, beneath the screen will most likely not get much light - and certainly not contribute much energy to the plant but perhaps the opposite, You want the energy focused on the growth up top, not on airy popcorn buds below the screen. But don't massacre your plant doing it, ya feel?

The idea is to get the growth in such a focused spot, that you can hit it hard and evenly with your light, Instead of having some cola's 2 ft tall, your light 2' away from the top, and the rest of the growth way below in the shadows.

I've even used another screen about 1-2ft above the first to help keep everything well seperated, and from falling over late in flowering. It works well, they just grow through where I direct them, and lean against it later on when they're heavier

You could also just bend stems over and tie them to itself. That works well too, and people grow some monster bushes doing it. There's many forms of supercropping.


Active Member
Wow Dub thanks, very informative and clear +rep :bigjoint:

Another question. So im going to be growing Critical Mass by Mr Nice Guy and its not feminized. This being the reason why im wanting to do individual scrogs because
1. I'll be able to trim up my plants easier in my small closet.
2. Its not feminized and i wont know until after my 4-6 week veg if its male or female.

The question is should i go with the great genetics and go with Mr Nice Guy Critical Mass or should i find a cross of Critical thats feminized?


New Member
From my research, Mr Nice guy's genetics are solid (like you said)
and feminized seeds sometimes hermie more often (this is debatable as reg seeds may also hermie).
So it really comes down to if you want to spend the time to maintain more plants
until they show their sex with Mr. Nice seeds.

On one hand you get solid genetics but on the other you waist time and energy.
In my opinion I would go with something else unless you were set on Critical Mass,
or unless you wanted to breed a Critical Mass male down the road.

Peace & love


Active Member
Reason im wanting to do Critical Mass is because i need high yield. I need 2lbs or at least 1g/w and i heard Critical Mass is like the best of the best to do so. I got a 5x3x6 room doing 4-5 scrogging in a closet under 400w cmh veg and 1000w hps flower. Or if anyone could get me a good high yielding plant for beginners thats equally good and is feminized.


Active Member
Or i could do the Emerald Triangle Super Sour OG feminized but i heard they outsource for fem seeds and their very different phenos then the regulars. But it also thrives because tied down

Emerald Triangle Seeds Super Sour OG Good spacing between fan leaves and tight internodal stacking allow for excellent light penetration into the canopy, increasing the length of terminal colas and increasing overall yield. This hardy plant loves to be tied down, which can result in numerous, remarkably uniform colas with as many as 20 connected internodal sites. These plants have been known to yield 3-4 lbs. (1.3 – 1.8 kgs.) outdoors when properly using this technique. Indoors, it will nearly double in size after the flip, so be mindful about the timing in your room. A steady intake of nitrogen will help her reach her potential in the final stage of flowering, prior to flush. The taste is predominantly sour, with the faint sweetness of the Blueberry rounding off the finish. The high is well-balanced between the indica and sativa sides, starting with a brisk, carefree feeling, moving toward an easy, comfortable sense of well-being.



I believe with the scrog you want to try and veg untill you have covered about 65-70% of the screen then put it into flower so the stretch covers the rest.

In your situation i would probably think it might be better for you to get feminized seeds as clones are out of the question and it seems you dont want to be playing around with males too much, that was you can get them scroggin earlier.

You can veg and scrog as much space as you need per plants but i think it would be efficient to cover about 1.5 ft squared with each plant. Depending on strain and lighting you may be able to cover that with a 6-7 week veg time. Then bang em into flower and get a nice even canopy.

As far as strains really that is up to you, plenty of big yielders out there! chemdog could be nice but thats all on you :D

Good luck and have fun!

Just remember when going from seeds the plants may have a bit more stretch and also even though the seeds are the same strain you may get slight variations because of different phenotypes.

EDIT : Also don't clip green health leaves! they are there for a purpose and unless they are dying they will serve your plant better alive! also make sure you have some air circulation on a tight canopy because you don't wan't to lose it to mould!