Need Help ASAP

So this is my first grow and I haven't had any trouble with the plant's health until recently. I fed it a decent amount of 1-10-0.2 guano and after that this is what the leaves look like. It's getting worse and I'm worried I will lose this one. Any ideas/suggestions/last resorts please.

It is a Chocolope clone that I flipped to 12/12 on October 9th. Takes around 73 days to flower so it shouldn't be ready until around December 20th.

My pH is pretty high, somewhere above 7.5, I added 1ml of pH down with water today. But recently I flushed twice in a row so I'm now worried that it doesn't have neuts to take in, when can I feed? Choco's can take a decent amount of water.

Also, should I be removing these leaves? Like, it's getting to the point where I'm worried I wont have any left.




Well-Known Member
im a hrdro guy but your PH is way to high, flush with 6.5 then go ahead and feed if its been a while,and just let the leaves drop on their own