Need help deciding a few things.

Hello everyone, I am about to start my first grow and I have a few questions before I get started. I am going to be doing a closet grow in 2 seperate closets, For the veg room and the flower room the closets are both 3x4. I was planning on using a 120 watt LED accompanied by a few cfls and for the flower room I was planning on using a 1000 watt HPS.

I was wondering since my closets are already the LxW I wanted to use, does the height matter. I was going to make 2 boxes the veg room being about 3 or 4 ft high and the flower room 7 or 8 ft high. The closets themselves are about 10 ft, maybe 12ft high. but I could easily reflect the room. I'm just wondering if I would get the same results as growing in a box?

I was thinking that just using the closet without the box I would not have to worry about ventilation as much. as the flowering room just opens up into the attic.

Thanks for your replies and I'm sure I have more questions, just can't think of any at this time.