Need help ETA for harvest


Alright heres the story I cant remember when i planted them but they're from seeds i just kept, first time grower, outdoors no chems just simple fert only once cause the leaves went yellow at first, water once a day. Plant looks funny and never had bottom buds ( maybe like 2 on the stems) We been out of weed for like 1 week and have picked and quick dried a few buds ( i think) from the plant (quick dry method, lamp and tin foil) the weed ripped us good, more of a head buzz but its better than most bags i bought. I dont want to pick it cause i think 1 to 2 weeks it might be better, but i said that 4 days ago and I probly am getting impatient which i shouldn't cause weed is like wine in some ways.

I just want an idea if i can pick now, wait for better or need to wait cause its not even close? heres some pics hope someone can help me out.

(P.S. to help when i quick dried found no seeds maybe to young?)


someone else

Active Member
Let them finish man, don't try and harvest them now.

It's way way way too early to pull buds now, unless you have some sort of autoflowering strain, which it doesn't sound like you have.

The high you're gonna get now is at best a 30 minute up-high, and then it's gonna quickly dissipate.

Why waste all the effort you put into these plants, only to pull them now just for a quick buzz?

I haven't smoked in nearly a year, and am waiting on this years harvest for my first smoke since then. As someone who's smoked blunt after blunt, day after day, for years, I can tell you I really miss it, but I'm waiting patiently for my plants to finish.

Just keep watering them and checking on them. Wait until you at least see some amber colored hairs before you get too trigger happy on pulling these.

btw, your plants look good!

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Agree with someone else WAY early your lookin at maybe late Septembr - October
Hang in there man you will be glad you did both in weight and BUZZ
Nice lookin plants what stain ?


Well-Known Member
The earliest I've ever had finished buds was about September 20 with a strain known for its early finish.

You'll be mighty proud of your bud if you wait until October 10th, or possibly later.

Get a 30x magnifier and wait until 10% of the trichomes are amber.

Read up on curing.


Well-Known Member
Ya you have over a month to go from the looks of pic 5. Also you will only get seeds if you have male flowers pollinate your female plant.


Well-Known Member
Please don't chop that bagseed beauty! You don't NEED weed, have some self-control and let her finish, from the look of the pics I really don't even see any real bud yet, just the beginning of it! Don't do it, let her finish, you will be glad you did!!!!!