Need help fast!!! What's attacking my plants?

Arizona Dude

Active Member
I have some bug or worm or something that cuts the branches off of my small outdoor plants. Does anyone know what is doing this and how I kill the the things so they won't ruin my plants. They are really doing damage so I need help fast. Thanks for any advice.


Active Member
are you sure its a bug?? a bug usually eats the leaves..not cuts the whole branch off...sounds more like someone knows where your growing..or a animal is having a snack.mothballs work,theres a spray you can get at a blueish green bottle.i forget thename of it at the moment..but it works for bugs...also u can get some human hair.tape it too your plant,high low and in the will keep deer away...deer love pot as much as we do.
hope this helps..get some pics they would help more

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Sounds like Caterpillas. The best organic solution is D.E. (Diotamatious Earth). See the Soil Menders web site for more info. The Local Nursery should have some. Take a light at night, & pick them fuckers off, also.


Active Member
sorry man..mis-understood ya, you said(I have some bug or worm or something that (cuts the branches off) of my small outdoor plants) and u failed to mention they were in your backyard..altho i have deer in my so never know
then cows love to eat the plants as well.
...thats why i said deer...but go with wat texas said..try check the plants at night and see if you see anything..then go from there..and the more organic solution you can use,would be better than putting chemicals on your plants..
Diotamatious Earth is your best bet, aside from crunching them with your green thumb. You could try putting some sticky tape around the edge of the pot or the base of the stem. Fly tape works pretty good and is fairly water resistant.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Oh Yeah, they will feast. Once you see the Baby Grasshoppers, put out a product called No-Lo. (Nosema Locustae or Beauvaria Bassiana) Garlic-Pepper spray may work, also the cinnomon. A bird feeder nearby would do well, also. Info from the Dirt Doctor's web site, Library- greasshoppers.

Could grasshoppers be attacking my plants? Do they cut off the young branches?

Arizona Dude

Active Member
Thanks everyone for your replies. First off my plants are doing fine now and recovering from the attacks. We have a bunch of grasshoppers here this time of year so I am not sure what was on the attack. The first thing I did was cut up some glue traps for catching mice that I had on hand and put them around the plants to try to deter crawling insects. Then I put DE down around the plants. Since then no more attacks and the plants are doing great. I really appreciate those who took time to respond.