Need help finding pipe brand.. PIC INCLUDED...


Active Member
my friend got this pipe a while back and it broke not that long ago.. we have tried to find others like it but we cant fine one..its a glass sherlock with a star on the bottom... this is the only pic we have of it...

i realized i put this in the wrong place...can someone move it please...



Active Member
I did a little bit of research and I found two companies that it may be. If that's a logo on the pipe you have shown, there are only 2 companies that I have found that use a star for their logo. That's ... North Star Glass Co. and Weed Star Glass. Hope that helps. You can hit that little rep icon if you want ;)


Well-Known Member
Its prob north star. Weed star does clear glass work. Bongs, bubblers. Good luck smoke well..