I’m a first time grower and trying to grow without spending a lot of money. I’m having some problems with my 2 week old seedlings.
They are looking pale green/yellow and one even looks a little purple. They haven’t shown much improvement over the last week and very little growth as well. I’m wondering if there is anything I should do or if I should give up on these plants and start fresh with some other seeds. I’ll try to give more info about what I’ve been doing and what I’m using. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I’m just using some free seeds that were given to me. They guy said he didn’t know what type they were but thought they were Sativa.
I germinated them by placing in a cup of water for 18 hrs and then in a wet paper towel in a ziplock bag for about 12-24 hours until they had1/4” - 1/2” tails. Then I planted and they popped up within a day or 2.
I’m trying to keep this grow cheap so I just have them in solo cups and I used some cheap potting soil (no nutes added) and about 20% perlite.
For the first 3-5 days they were looking really green and healthy but a little stretched. So I replanted them and buried the stem like I read on these forums.
I started to notice that they were turning a lighter green and when I looked into reasons why I saw that I was probably overwatering. Since then I bought a cheap moisture meter and let the plants dry out a bit and now only water when the dial is in the red (I’ll attach a pic). I don’t know the pH levels but I’ve just been using tap water that I keep out for a day or 2 before I use it
For the first week I had them in a 18”x30”x60” cabinet with cheap reflective material on the sides and I used 6 CFL bulbs for light. It got a little hot in there (28-30 C) and had like no air circulation/fresh air.
A week ago I got a good deal online and bought a 2x4x5 grow tent and a Meizhi 300W LED grow light that I’ve been using for almost a week now. I keep the lights about 18 away from the plants.
The temp is goes between 23-26 C and the humidity is goes between 54-60%.
Please let me know what you guys think I should do with them. I try to read as much as possible online but there’s a lot out there and for a first time grower I’m not sure what to listen to.
I don’t mind spending a little more money but would prefer not to spend too much more. If there’s anything that I need to get please let me know. Any help would be awesome. Thanks.

They are looking pale green/yellow and one even looks a little purple. They haven’t shown much improvement over the last week and very little growth as well. I’m wondering if there is anything I should do or if I should give up on these plants and start fresh with some other seeds. I’ll try to give more info about what I’ve been doing and what I’m using. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I’m just using some free seeds that were given to me. They guy said he didn’t know what type they were but thought they were Sativa.
I germinated them by placing in a cup of water for 18 hrs and then in a wet paper towel in a ziplock bag for about 12-24 hours until they had1/4” - 1/2” tails. Then I planted and they popped up within a day or 2.
I’m trying to keep this grow cheap so I just have them in solo cups and I used some cheap potting soil (no nutes added) and about 20% perlite.
For the first 3-5 days they were looking really green and healthy but a little stretched. So I replanted them and buried the stem like I read on these forums.
I started to notice that they were turning a lighter green and when I looked into reasons why I saw that I was probably overwatering. Since then I bought a cheap moisture meter and let the plants dry out a bit and now only water when the dial is in the red (I’ll attach a pic). I don’t know the pH levels but I’ve just been using tap water that I keep out for a day or 2 before I use it
For the first week I had them in a 18”x30”x60” cabinet with cheap reflective material on the sides and I used 6 CFL bulbs for light. It got a little hot in there (28-30 C) and had like no air circulation/fresh air.
A week ago I got a good deal online and bought a 2x4x5 grow tent and a Meizhi 300W LED grow light that I’ve been using for almost a week now. I keep the lights about 18 away from the plants.
The temp is goes between 23-26 C and the humidity is goes between 54-60%.
Please let me know what you guys think I should do with them. I try to read as much as possible online but there’s a lot out there and for a first time grower I’m not sure what to listen to.
I don’t mind spending a little more money but would prefer not to spend too much more. If there’s anything that I need to get please let me know. Any help would be awesome. Thanks.