Need help for 1st indoor grow !


Hi ! This is my first indoor grow and I have some problems with my plant which I don't really know how to rectify.
Would appreciate any help given.

Before I start, I would like to state that I have read through the sticky threads on this section regarding plant diagnosis and treatment. But with a lack of experience I am unable to accurately pinpoint a solution. At the moment it looks like gnat flies / N deficiency. But any ideas will be appreciated.

Some basic information :

1. Indoor grow under 4 23W CFL (two 6500k and two 2700k) plus 2 LED lights at 12W and 13W (both 3000k).

2. Growing medium is organic soil (some decent loose soil I found locally to ensure roots can grow easily).

3. Plant is 16 days old as of today. Transplanted once a week ago from a 3 inch pot to a 7 inch pot.

4. I have only watered it 3 times since germination. 1st time at 2 days old, 2nd time after another 7 days and the 3rd time after another 6 days (yesterday). Each time I water I ensured that it is bone dry (soil has started "cracking" at side plus finger test).
For the 1st and 2nd watering I measured the pH at about 7 and added a little organic liquid seaweed kelp. Then the tips started becoming brown which I thought was nute burn and only watered with distilled water at around 6.5 pH the 3rd time.

5. Room temperature is usually 27-29 degrees in the day (82 F) and 24-26 degrees at night (77 F).
3 fans (1 intake, 1 inside blowing around and 1 exhaust) so there is ample wind movement).

6. This is Nirvana's blue mystic autoflower feminized.

Now to the questions :

1. It is growing very slow, and I suspect it may be stunted. I checked online and saw pictures and most plants were much larger at 16 days old. Can someone confirm this or is it still rooting ?

2. The yellowing started from the tips of the oldest true leaves, and the new leaves were a healthy green. But lately this yellowing is spreading and even the younger leaves are beginning to turn yellow. There are also some brown spot/lines on the oldest true leaves (see picture). What deficiency is this ? There are so many possibilities I cannot even say with confidence anymore. Any experienced advance will be appreciated.

The local gardening shop is just 10 minutes drive away. I can quickly go get whatever is needed. But I would really like to know what to add first before I rush and add something I would later regret.

Thanks in advance

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Well-Known Member
This plant appears to be staving to death, apparently not much to eat in that soil.

Kelp really doesn't have much for nutrients mainly just a bit of K, there are some helpful cytokins... But you are going to need something more complete it looks like.
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Well-Known Member
Hi , do you know if 2x marshydro 300 and a 150 watt wyzm. Total 750watts Led actual wattage 360 watt ish?? Is this enough to scrogg in a 3x3x6 ?
I know it will be tight for space but I have test drive the space with everything in apart for the plant and it's all good. Just wanted to know what kind of results you can get on avradge with this amount if led????