Need help from a handy-man


Active Member
I decided to try 1 plant and FINALLY one germed and is potted and about 3cms only in my closet and thinking way ahead to flowering and complete darkness issue.
I have a double sliding closet doors but by no means are they light proof, there's light pouring out of it with the 3 100W CFL's I have on it at the moment..I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions to light proof this bad boy wether I replace the doors (last case scenario) or something else?
Lets not forget that these doors are on tracks both on top and bottom so things like spray foam are a no go.


While I'm posting I wanted to add:

-1 plant (3cms-day 7)
-Currently using 3 100W CFL's-cool white
-Temps around 74F-humidity 45%
-Soil:Not sure but contains perlite/verm/moss (good stuff so far)
-I am not comfortable right now with the 4" muffin fan I have running on a 12V power supply but I'm sure everything is cool)

Let me know if anyone has any suggestions



Well-Known Member
Go buy a piece of Poly at you hydro shop, or get weed barrier roll for your garden at a garden center. staple it up on the inside of the closet covering both doors and a few cm over either side and a few cm hanging down on the floor.


Active Member
i know exactally what you mean.. im in the same situation with my apartments closet, so just yesterday i went out and got a box that fits almost perfectlly in my closet and set up everything in there.. its much easer to light seal than sliding doors.. trust me hahaha


Active Member
Hey guys here are some pics I promised of my grow area..No worries as soon as a get a damn spare weekend I can tidy up a bit.These damn in-laws are killin' me..Here are a couple of pics of my first plant of bagseed. I figured if I'm going to screw up let it be now while I'm only doing 1..If it's male I really don't care I'll just be happy that I made as far watching the sex of it.
I'm now at day 11 at about 3cm tall not much stretching which is good. I also have a small muffin fan running on a 24 VAC adapter is this gonna be ok to leave on 24/7 without burning out?
My temps are currently at 70.5 F with 48% humidity and going as low as 65 at night.
Also attached are some pics of the space I have to work at which brings me to a second question: the attic is right above the closet and I wanted to run my exhaust through my 178 CFM can-fan when I get it but problem is 1) I live in Canada, will people see steam rising from the attic vents or will it be ok? also I wanted to cut a 4" hole for ducting at the top and as far as intake I was wondering if it ok just to leave the door open with fan but problem now is will smell escape doing this? I also have an attic hatch just to the right of my area.

Please if you have suggestion and help for me that would be great I'm new stupid and open for suggestions

Thanks guys,take care



Well-Known Member
Thats all good, nice start. Get 'the book' 'Marijuana Buds for Less. Grow 8oz. of bud for less than $100.00
I'm now at day 11 at about 3cm tall not much stretching which is good. I also have a small muffin fan running on a 24 VAC adapter is this gonna be ok to leave on 24/7 without burning out?
You need to have good electric outlets. Since you have an attic, this could be a job you can do yourself.

My temps are currently at 70.5 F with 48% humidity and going as low as 65 at night.
Guess the fan is working right now.

Also attached are some pics of the space I have to work at which brings me to a second question: the attic is right above the closet and I wanted to run my exhaust through my 178 CFM can-fan when I get it but problem is 1) I live in Canada, will people see steam rising from the attic vents or will it be ok?
No, probably not, especially with a 4" duct.
also I wanted to cut a 4" hole for ducting at the top
You could do this, it will require some roof patching. If it's possible you may want to go out the sidewall of the attic and use larger diameter ducting from the time you get into the attic.
Having a 90 degree bend will stop the light from shinning straight out the top of the roof, it will also restrict air flow. Changing from a 4" diameter to an 8" diameter in the attic using a 'Y' will allow you to accomplish this and allow you to add another line or two to it when you need too. The 8" line has four times the capacity of the 4" line. Doing it this way will be better IMO. And you won't create leaks.
and as far as intake I was wondering if it ok just to leave the door open with fan but problem now is will smell escape doing this? I also have an attic hatch just to the right of my area.

Please if you have suggestion and help for me that would be great I'm new stupid and open for suggestions

Thanks guys,take care

You have a handy man already. Look in the mirror, he is right there. You just need to do a little more research. Check out some of the cfl grow room journals. With attic access, are you kidding me. That is a big plus for stealth growers. Keep it up. VV:hump:


Well-Known Member
u say u dont care if its male just try saying that 5 week from now when u have to rip that bugger out after all the hard work u did and all u learned. i would start a few more in much smaller pots so the disapointment wont be as bad. trust me a male is worse than u think especially after all your hard work.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice everyone I really do appreciate it and honestly I have pondered the idea of using the attic but it cause more issues as far as keeping a temp in an attic especially in a Canadian winter. I would need heater and A/C for the summer. I am only doing max 3 plants so I do need a large area but I have toyed with the idea of T-5's in the closet if I can fit it..I don't know much at all about these lights and whether they're good or not and if they are good from start to finish...There is too many options out there for growing and I can't set my mind on what exactly I want for a set up..Today I putting a shower rod up and placing a shower curtain just inside for security reasons as there is a window that faces a major road (blinds are down obviously.
I have the muffin fan plugged into a surge bar so i'm assuming everything will be good?
Let me know what you guys think maybe you can help me what the heck to decide on for a set up for 3 plants only.


Sorry I forgot to add- I will not be flowering in my current area..I will be building a small area under my stairs in my basement


Well-Known Member
Idon't mean us the attic to grow in, I mean use it for your air handling system and your electrical system. No one can see whats happening up there. VV


Active Member
((((((((((((decided to try 1 plant and FINALLY one germed and is potted and about 3cms only in my closet and thinking way ahead to flowering and complete darkness issue.
I have a double sliding closet doors but by no means are they light proof, there's light pouring out of it with the 3 100W CFL's I have on it at the moment..I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions to light proof this bad boy wether I replace the doors (last case scenario) or something else?
Lets not forget that these doors are on tracks both on top and bottom so things like spray foam are a no go.)))))))))))))

i havee the same sliding door setup ,, but inside teh closet is open ,, soooo ,,, measure the closet witdh depth & height ,, then just use cardboard & ducktape to make a border box around ur setup ,, cut holes in teh top & tie string to it so it can be hung ,, after all that ,, i used just simple plain white computer printer paper & covered the whole inside of that box ,, works very very good


Well-Known Member
Panda film all the way... Just like dankie said... Put it in hanging inside the doors with the white part facing in to help reflect light... Panda film rox... Its so easy to use and has so many uses... =]

Pluss its cheaper than any other reflective or insulating product...

Most grow shops will sell it for around 1-2 buks for a square of 1 foot by 10 feet... So no need to buy more than you need... Did i say need enough... I need some panda film... =]


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you make the closet lighttight you WILL need to vent into that attic space, and don't forget to bring fresh air into the grow space at the bottom somewhere or the plants won't get enough CO2 for photosynsethsis.Probably you should buy a book by Jorge Cervantes or Ed Rosenthal. You can never do too much research. Good luck with it.


Well-Known Member
I would go with the white and black poly film or whats called panda film do as said get in the closet staple it to the inside of the closet nice and tight.Now also but an $8 stick on zipper they have them online or at most hardware stores.It has a sticky back you peel the sticky off then place it on the plastic then unzip it and slide a razor between the teeth and it makes a tigh closing zipper door.Total cost for film and zipper about $20. Just place the ziooer wher you can walk in or out the doors.