Need help identifying seed strains

Boogieman og

New Member
So I had a old timer give me his 30 to 20 year old seed collection from his hay day.. Mid 80s to late 90s just got to talking about things at family party. He dropped them on me a week later . was very addament about importance of what he gave me and the amount of work went into them. Hasent grown in years do to family and grandkids. My question is there were a few he couldn't remember the abbreviations. Very reliable source followed the greatfull dead . and im sure the genes are true. The few I couldn't get my head around are. (DL+ bb) or ( pl+bb) and (#1 ) anybody heard of pl or DL abbreviations thanks sorry for the rant. Lol had a few stains that I knew purple haze , rhino , stable skunk , white widow