Need help in Ontario Canada


Active Member
I really need help not only will my family dr not sign for medical marijuana for me, but I have seen 3 other dr's and they wont sign for me, One of the dr's was so stupid all he had to say was its 2008 and ppl shouldn't smoke anything, then he said that methadon might work better for my pain F-that!! Anyway I fall under catagory 1. If I could find a dr to approve I know I would have no problem, the only problem is finding a dr. If anyone could help it would be great at this point in time I am willing to travel any where in Ontario. Please help me this battle is never ending! Thank you in advance for anyone that can help me..


Well-Known Member
I'd go to the compassion clubs and get a few Dr.'s in Canada we can go see any Dr. we want as long as we know who it is.. not like HMO's in the states..