need help! leaves curling upward

ok so ive had this girl going for about 2 months now. its in a ten gallon pot with fox farms happy frog. I use fox farm grow big and big bloom at half the directed amount once a week. i water close to every 3 days depending on how hot it gets out which is close to 90 recently. my top leaves are curling upward and are dry feeling and are super dark green. the lower portion is fine no curling leaves and feels smooth. i need help on how to fix this problem. pics are posted below. i dont believe it to be over watering or over use of nutes because when i do use fox farms nutes the plant tends to overall look alot better. is it a copper def or a mag def?



Well-Known Member
by looking at the bright green leaves and the way they are canoeing on you i would say cut your nutes back to once every other week


Well-Known Member
looks to me as heat dude you outdoor so try find away to cut down the light on the plant but not to much just so you dont keep getting hit with heat


Well-Known Member
Possibly a pest issue, maybe broad mites. I just don't see the classic signs of overfeeding and your feeding schedule and strength of nutes sounds reasonable. Heat will turn tips and edges upward, so that probably is a factor. I find I have to water much more frequently in high heat and low humidity conditions. I would scope the new growth leaves very carefully to rule out pests.
im using neem oil at suggested strength every other week i spray it till shes soaked. i dont believe it to be a pest problem. im thinking its a deficiency like mag or copper