need help my plants budding and the hours outdoors are getting longer


i moved my plant outside about a week n a half ago and it started budding but the hrs of the day are getting longer bcus summer is just starting and i dont know what to do if i leave it outside will it keep growing buds or will it start vegetating again or will it herm ? :-|


Active Member
u mean spring is jus starting...yea idk wat will happen..but im guess it will start vegging again!

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
from what i have been told, it will reveg after a couple of weeks, and you will have a huuuuuuge plant in augest lol, hope your pots big enough! lol

there is no fact, this is only my opinion


yeah but it already has buds on there not super big or anything there about the size of a dime its been budding for almost 3 weeks can it still revege if it has buds on it ????


Well-Known Member
I have the same issue.

I created a shade tarp to put over my box once the sun drops over the horizon at 6, there is still light out so my trash bag trp prevents any strong light from coming in until it gets dark.

my goal is to harvest earl in june. cutting off the main cola and all buds. leaving only vegetative "water leaf material" and a freshly topped plant. the idea is that you get an earl girl harvest and a plant that will have to adjust to the shock of being chopped as well as the stress of reverting back to veg. it will slow down the explosion of growth making it unecessary to change pot size.

this is all in theory and is currently being tested simultaneously with you. i have been outdoors since march 9 and flowering ever since. best of luck.
