NEED Help on lights T5 +box design... building TODAY!!!!


Well-Known Member
SO The box i have now is so not lightproof which is fine because its still in the veg cycle . but today my friend offered to help me build a new box and he is a pretty damn good handyman its looking to be like 3x2x6 i have a 150w hps and he is going to install 4 intake 122 computer fans at the bottom for intake inside of a baffler box for light proofing and then we will put a larger output exhaust on top inside another baffler box and probably gonna install the carbon filter up top for smell control BUt the question im asking is im looking and researching THE 4ft T5 light bulbs im looking to put one in each corner to boost lumens and mininmalize stretching and increase node density they would be the 58 watt 5,00 lumens

are they worth the money its going to be almost as expensive as the whole box construction wise but should the additional 20,000 lumens boost the production for me significantly also seeds i ordered are all going to be sativa dominant so cutting down on the stretching is essential also why im building the box 6ft any input would be awesome


Well-Known Member
dont build a box...just buy one cuz building one is going to cost more. and buying one from a retail store would give you a better finish.


Active Member
i wouldn't put a filter in there for veg and place all fans that are sucking for the room on oposet sides on the top and just cut vent holes in the bottom so all the air can get shot through your canopy


Well-Known Member
yeah my friend is building the box for me almost done for under $80 completely lightproof and it will look like a book case or just be ambiguous


Nice to have talented friends that you can trust. :)

I've only vegged with T5's so I can't help you with your question, sorry. I know my first instinct would be to consider two hps lamps.