need help on lights


Well-Known Member
you could get a 400w hps, 600w is 600w no matter whats using it, so you need more effecent lights. On a related note, do you use normal halogen to light your house or do you have all cfls lighting your house? cuz switching would save a decent bit of money if you havent switched yet.


Active Member
the 2 300w cfls are useing that much I can not belive it there post to be like 3p an hr to run there costing a lot more to run


Well-Known Member
maybe they are not the cause then? Im not sure what you mean completely but you should be able to figure out(should be on the bill) just how much 600w costs an hr and then times it by your light cycle and you'll get how much it costs per day. are you saying they are charging you more than they should for the watts your using or ??? cuz 600w will cost the same no matter how long your using it. maybe you are thinking of the bs number they put on the packs saying how much you'd save over a halogen bulb they put on em to sucker people in?


With the ebay 300W (10 inch 8U) blue cfl I have, it actually only uses 186W. So I expect that this setup (including fan) is easily less than £15 a month during veg (17/7). I would suggest you pop down to maplins and get an £8 power monitor to check whats what. Other than that I think try and look for a new supplier.


Well-Known Member
im using 2 x 600watt hps( and assorted fans/extractors) and i'm not using £41 a month probably nearer £28, thats with Scottish Power. check your supplier costs, some of them are rip off merchants.


Active Member
With the ebay 300W (10 inch 8U) blue cfl I have, it actually only uses 186W. So I expect that this setup (including fan) is easily less than £15 a month during veg (17/7). I would suggest you pop down to maplins and get an £8 power monitor to check whats what. Other than that I think try and look for a new supplier.
thanks this week I will go to maplins and get a power monitor to check whats what.


Well-Known Member
even if it was 41 a month, if that is too much money for growing you could just buy it from someone else. I'm not trying to be a d*** but it is going to cost you some cash to grow some good stash.


Well-Known Member
Ok, let me make sure I've got this right. You're saying that running two 300w cfls is costing you the equivelant of $65 (assuming an exchange rate of 1.50 pounds = $1) a month? Either your electrical rates are outrageous, or you're making an error in your calculations.

I run a 600w 12 hours a day, a 400w 18 hours a day, and 4 bulb bank of t8's (think it totals about 100w) round the clock, and it only runs me $50 a month. The formula is wattage/1000 x kilowatt rate per hour ( the rate should listed on your electric bill), which tells you how much it costs to run the light per hour. Multiply that by the number of hours the light is used per day, then again by the number of days in the month and you have your total electrical cost.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure those 300w CFL's use about 323w actually because they're a 300w bulb and the ballast in the bulb uses about 23(ish)w too. My 200w one was running at 223w.