need help, outgrowing room.


Active Member
hey everyone,

so my plants are getting a little too tall for my closet. ive got 2 ak47`s growing under a 400W HPS 1 week into flower. i know i can lst, which i am doing a bit. but i was also wondering what does everyone think is the closest your plants can get to the light without burning? i know everyone says 2 feet but that seems really general. also, im considering topping, when is the best time to top?


Well-Known Member
if theyre aready getting too tall in week 1 of flowering theyre damn sure gonna be too tall by week 4 (when most your vertical growth should have stopped)...i dont like topping and ive never LST'd (i think you start LST during veg though, plan to do it next grow)

as for how close your plants can get to the light...depends on how cool your light stays...i can get up to a foot away with no problems...different strokes for different folks...topping sounds like it may be your only chance...good luck