need help plant looks dead


hi there second time grower and having lots of problems this time started with two and now left with one. Plant looks dead was thinking the soil and was going to transplant to different soil but unsure if it will kill the plantDSC_0064.jpgDSC_0071.jpgDSC_0072.jpgDSC_0066.jpgDSC_0063.jpgDSC_0062.jpgDSC_0067.jpgDSC_0129.jpgthis last picture is before flowering the rest are up to date the plant is in its fourth week of flowering and unsure what soil to purchase and if i need to mix sand or other growing mediums please help

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Well now that does look pretty rough. The signs of trouble were there in the 'early' pic already, the one taken before flower. It shows signs of Mg def there already. OK so a few questions first:

What soil is it in? What have you been feeding and how much? What are your temps in the grow room? What pH are your waters at, as well as your feeds? More info makes for a better shot at all of us helping you out here.


Rusty Trikes

Well-Known Member
You've got some serious deficiencies. What nutes are you using? at what strength? You might have nute-lock due to high/low PH. Its kind of late for a transplant. Next time use some Pro-Mix or one of the FoxFarm mixes. And QUIT plucking the leaves off your plants. They need leaves to grow! If I were you, I would flush, and then examine my nutrients/levels and restart the bloom nutes at half strength.


Well-Known Member
Damn man, looks burn to shit, what you feedin that thing? I'm not so sure about a flush tho I'm sure that plant isn't consuming a whole lot of whater...don't wanna drown the roots out...

Mr John

Active Member
Where the hell are the leaves man, did you pull them off or did they drop? No wonder its dying, no leaves = no food/energy for the plant.


i know it looks pretty bad using canna nutes rhiztonic and cannazym plus boost havent used pk 13-14 yet dont think plant can take it im in australia and not sure whats the best soil to use, but when mixing nutes two litres of water with ph of 7 and mix nutes in at half strength ending up with a ph of 6.5 so thought it wouldnt be an issue the nutes worked on last grow here is a some pics DSC_0059.jpgDSC_0060.jpgDSC_0061.jpgDSC_0062.jpgDSC_0063.jpgDSC_0064.jpgDSC_0065.jpgDSC_0066.jpgDSC_0067.jpgDSC_0068.jpgDSC_0069.jpgjust didn't have any light at lower points of the plants. Made some extra lights for this grow and going to get some double sockets to run more cfls next time i thought i had soil problem a few weeks ago with the last pic here is more DSC_0127.jpgDSC_0128.jpgDSC_0129.jpgDSC_0128.jpgDSC_0129.jpg but stuck with hoping it was just nutrients dissapointed with myself to let get to here using a wardrobe two door so half a meter deep and one and a half metre's wide using two 130 watt cfl lights and two 40 watt lamps at bottom of plant and fan and heater temp of area when lights is on is 33 degrees and 26 when lights are off the soil im using is searles 5 in 1 organic plant food. also just checked the ph of my soil and its up to a staggering ph 9.6 wasnt expecting that but its only my second grow and dont know a great deal but definitely wanting to learn as much as i can and am studying hard was thinking of getting the next batch growing got 4 super skunk and three afghan but want the best set up i can so no problems with soil whats the best way to go growing medium or soil and whats the best nutes and soil i can get in australia with the leaves i trim the bottom couple of branches cause they looked fried and i fimmed the plant a few weeks before flowering nothing else the top leaves are falling off very fried and leaves dont look big enough or is it just meDSC_0071.jpg