NEED HELP PLEASE,, good pics


Well-Known Member
Ok my plants were doing great but just last week the leafs are getting white spots and small holes and some are cracking. It almost looks like I have 2 problems. Look at all the pics please and tell me what you think.


There out doors

Stain: Mango I think its a indoor strain :?

Soil: number 4 sunshine, perlite, worm castings 70-20-10

Water: I give them tap water that sits for 48 hours, PH 6.4 But I have not watered in 3 week because it rained on them twice, The rain PH is high like 7.5

Ferts: I haven't feed them in three weeks and when I do, I give them low amounts.

Temp: they had some colder night like 55f. Day time like 70-85F


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Well-Known Member
Outside you will get a few bug bites. A few is no big deal. I would not treat them for the bugs. The white spots could be water spots.