need help please! help me fix my girls


so i did had a mag def but i think i cracked that one plants was fine then a week later this happened and its gotten really bad in a few days i dnt have a clue what it is some help maybe please and tell me how to fix my girls :wall:



how long has she been in flower?
whats ur nute regimen?
how long since last transplant?
about 2 n half weeks flower
nute regimen if i think i know what your on about i wait until the coco is completely dry befour feeds so useually about 3-4 days last transplant was about 2- weeks ago


Well-Known Member
is she growing at her normal rate?i know ph usually isnt an issue w/ soil but have you checked recently?


lights are about 6.5 cm from top of plants temps are useually about 77 but never go no higher than 80 shes been growing fine and ph is around 6.2


light is a 125w red cfl correct me if im wrong but heat from the thing is not really an issue as ii can touch the light after its been on for 10 hours and not be burnt its just warm


Well-Known Member
ahh i see, well ive only seen a plant showing this once and it had been light deprived for about a week,have you checked the color of the roots?i would definitely suggest more light though if you can afford it


Well-Known Member
dude - im not sure whats up with some of this feedback - the yellow/crispy leaves are looking like a sure sign of phosphorous deficiency, possibly under feeding, your lights are fine as far as heat / light stress goes. you dont have enough wattage [ a good rule is to put your hand the same distance away from the light as your plants are, and if your hand is too hot for comfort, then you need to move it further from your plants]

Those buckets are causing the majority of the problem i think. they are too small > your plants are trying to expand their roots, and cant. This is telling the plant that it needs to downsize, and that there isnt enough room for more growth. So it starts eating itself, essentially.

It looks like you have a 1.5 gal and a 2.5 Gal pot(s). Too small. Go to Home De-pot, buy some 5 gal buckets, and drill holes (like 5-6 for drainage) in the SIDES (important)> RIGHT next to the bottom, those will be good the entire grow -until you finish flowering. :)

What are you feeding them? what kind of soil are you using if you haven't fed them yet or don't plan on feeding them... ? your plants are pretty big, so you've done good to get them this far, dont give up.

it could be a phosphorous def > but I KNOW you need bigger buckets. my plants looked very very similar to yours, then I popped them into some 5 gals and they took off over night. literally within 48 hrs they had grown 4-5 inches and got their pretty coloring back.

o and Terry Codone is right, if you can afford it, try to double or triple the amount of light you have on them [ 4 - 125w CFL's would be ideal] If you cant afford them then no biggy, but I would aim for at least one more 125watter. are you flowering them right now? if you are you need to transplant immediately. if you arent, then id put some 5500k - 6500k cool blue CFLS in there instead of the warm reds, and still tranny immediately.

pm me if you need any more help dude, sometimes people just have no clue, even though they are trying to help/(receive rep for nothing), so be careful with that.


Well-Known Member
Add more light...and not just Soft White CFLs ( Red Spectrum ) add some Full daylight CFLs. ( Even during flowering you still want to cover all the spectrums )

You can buy the socket and cord for about 6 bucks at Wally World. It's called a Bottle Lamp Kit ( for rewiring lamps ) plus 10 bucks a pop for 200 watt CFLs.


Well-Known Member
Add more light...and not just Soft White CFLs ( Red Spectrum ) add some Full daylight CFLs. ( Even during flowering you still want to cover all the spectrums )

You can buy the socket and cord for about 6 bucks at Wally World. It's called a Bottle Lamp Kit ( for rewiring lamps ) plus 10 bucks a pop for 200 watt CFLs.

true dat. you NEED the warm reds for flower, but the cool blues help*

if you are still in veg, you should go mostly, if not all cool blues


Active Member
my guess is you didnt have calmag issues at all. heats not an issue, planter size wouldnt cause that entirely, not enough light wouldnt cause that(except for the smaller bud issue), ph can affect everything(coco should be upper 5's) and can make you think your def or over nuting. dont let the coco dry completely there is enough airspace in there. further, your nutrients you are using as well as what kind of water youre using is equally important. it could be be when you added calmag you compounded issues. post more for better feedback.