Need Help Please


so i am near the end of my harvest and buds are starting to look very nice. i have grown before and i feel like the buds always look so good on the plant and then when i dry them it turns out horrible....this year i went and sprung for some nice seeds from amsterdam and every plant looks looks different and amazing some look almost finished when others dont look to have many buds at all .....really im just looking for the best way to make my plants not smell like fresh cut grass i am limited to spaces that i can dry and cure and dont really no how in the past years i would just hang up side down in my garage with a fan on in the room and in about 3 or 4 days they were dry but no smell......i only have about 8 plants so i can use my garage again but i spent a lot of money on good seeds and i want the most out of it when should i cut them how should i dry them i read something about glass jars ??? can someone please be sincere and give me a hand i could really use it


Well-Known Member
At the top of the page is a sticky on this. The glass jars are for curing (as tobacco is cured) to develope taste. Save some as you cure and try it after a year. You will see a large difference.


Well-Known Member
A good trim is a must for a Good cure.To get the best taste it takes time Hence the word Cure.Cant just harvest and Dry,You wont get the aroma that your looking for as it comes with time.When you get it dry then put in the jars and release the moisture over and over is where you get a actual good Cure.


thanks for replies do i know when to cut them down some are so developed while others arent....... also it is getting cold out tonight its 62 degrees.........and once its cut is a garage a good place to keep them not much fresh air in and out unless i open once and a while but there are fans in there or would a bathroom thats in the house and not as dry as the garage be better?


Well-Known Member
Humidity.Sry, too high bud mold,get it somwhere like 45- 50max.Garage should be fine for air might smell also dont know climate if you go garage


okay so i went and go scope and checked them out all the pistils still seem pretty much clear.......i need them out of the ground by oct 1st which sucks because it looks like they should go further into oct but i will see how weather changes its been pretty steady 75-80 during the day and 65-70 at night........when cutting down do i cut at base or just go branch for branch........and what is ideal temp to hang in and humidity.....and how long do you think i should hang for i read until stem breaks but then i read until it almost breaks and once that how long in mason jars? im in no rush i waited this long with them i just want to get the most/best out of it the seeds werent cheap and im an avid smoker i only smoke high end is there any chance mine can be high end even tho i grew it outdoors....(all feminized seeds) thanks for responses


Well-Known Member
What strains did you get?sounds like you have some Sativas.Too much to explain need to go to harvesting and Curing.I cut stalk then all fan leaves and branches.Gonna find many different ways,Id just focus mainly on trimming the Bigbuds and get all leafy matter off thats where your gonna get tht hayish smell.Gl



i have 2 white widow max.... 2 g-13 haze.... 1 sour kush...and a chemdog...and one called blueberry that looked so blue in photos but mine isnt really blue......i just checked and they have been in the ground for 131 days


im afraid to post pics on here anyway u can messege me and email so i can send you some photos and u can tell me what i should be doing and what im doing wrong


Well-Known Member
Chemdog 9weeks,WW 8weeks, G13 haze atleast 10 weeks,sour kush 9 weeks.From what i came up with from SSC.Do you even know when they started Flowering?


no not really sure if i had to guess i would say about a month.....but only the blueberry one looks like its almost done the WW is getting there and both the g-13 still havent really started to bud the white hairs are there but buds are looking like they are just starting to form


Well-Known Member
Why they need to be done by said date?Cause the g13 wont even be close....Just get post count up then you can PM,left mess. in profile.