Need Help Please!!


Active Member
I just germ'd my seeds in paper towel then placed in 1.5" (40mm) rockwool cubes soaked in 5.0ph water then drained excess water until they weighed 30 grams each. My question is the cubes seem to dry like they are not wet enough. I followed Al B Fuct's guide to cloning. Should you be able to wring a little water out of the cubes when squeezed. Just want to make sure I'm getting enough water to my seedlings. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
I've never used rockwool, but this post will bump you back up. And I will tell what I've found, which is that while seedlings, it's almost impossible to give them too much water. Far better than letting them dry out too much. After mine are germed, they're planted either directly in soil or peat pots in soil, and then those cups are put into a tray and I always keep water in the tray. Haven't lost one yet using this technique.


Well-Known Member
With rockwool cubes feel the weight of a dry one then feel the one with water,,if its light it needs water if its heavy it doesn't need water. Thats about it.